"Big Oil" - the World's Largest Organized
Crime Ring?
Electric Hubcaptm Car Drive System Project Detailed
* New topic heading
to cover the EH system as a whole.
* Hall Effect Magnetic Switches:
- easier to install than optical sensors system
- make EH motors even easier to build.
* EV Heater: 12V Electric Heaters in Series [3 for 36V]: a simple &
cheap "off the shelf" solution.
* Vehicle Handling; Motor weight and suspension: I've had the key all
* Supermagnet "Fan Blade" Choices.
and-or Magnetic Torque Multiplier
Detailed Report
* New name: Torque
Multiplier - is to differentiate it from worthless hydraulic
* Parts selection and
reselection: homing in on a workable unit.
* Unit ready to test about November 22nd, but motor system changes
* Successful Bench Tests November 30th - seems to provide
plenty of force to propel a car.
Ceramic Motor Coil Cores Project Detailed Report
* No Activity - no
Turquoise Battery Project Detailed
* Poggendorff cell.
* Oxalic Acid Battery - It works! Potential for substantially
higher energy density than lead-sulfuric acid because 3 to 4 x lighter
electrode metals can be used.
* Acetic Acid (Vinegar) Battery?
The Lead-Acid Battery
Project Progress Report
* Trade Secret:
Evidence that battery manufacturer secretly adds alum salt - but only
to its "top of the line"
batteries. A cunning patent: even in the battery factory no one knows
about it!
* Alum's battery life extending effects were already well known during
world war two - except to the public.
* Automating the Experiments.
* Better instructions for treating a battery.
Index/Highlights: http://www.TurquoiseEnergy.com/TENewslettersIndex.html
Construction Manuals for making your own:
* Electric Hubcap Motor
* Turquoise Motor Controller