Welcome to Living
Titanweb site
by Craig Carmichael, independent researcher
Craig Carmichael
Rev. Jan 2023 (addenda, some corrections - by
no means a full or comprehensive update)
1. Introduction to Titan[below]
* Introduction
* Titan facts table
* Bibliography/Links
* Foreword: About Living Titan
* Addenda: Further Notes October 2019
Interpreting Huygens Image Data
* artifacts, blobs, etc, versus
real image data
* What's in the view in Huygens
image scenes?
* Notes on Image Colorizations
* How the Tides Shape Titan's
Overall Geography
The Seas on Titan
* are methane
* why ON TITAN liquid methane is
highly transparent instead of dark (Huygens MRI & HRI even
into the sea and saw what's there!)
* waves & 'cat scratches'
* theoretical tidal forces on
* atmospheric tides
* no major oceans, but shallow
methane seas almost ring the equator
* tidal forces
and tidal flows dictate the equatorial geography of the seas and the
that connect them
* Will Cassini view any one sea
at 0º, 90º, 180º or 270º longitude with hi-rez
for comparison of sea levels at apoapsis and periapsis as independent
of tides and seas?
* a probable
clockwise tidal circulation pattern between the North and South
seas ("The H"), creating two "deltas"
Huygens's landing Site
* Explores how all the
readings support (or don't contradict) the visually evident landing in
a few cm or inches of very clear liquid methane at a mud or silt bar,
how many of the Huygens images show clearly that the sea they view
only be liquid.
* Time lapse and still images of
tide pools and other water scenes in color and-or monochrome, regular
contrast expanded, showing the similarities between Huygens images and
images of water on Earth.
* Mosaics showing Huygens' point
of landing
* The correlation of features
HRI high altitude and SLI low altitude images.
on Titan
* Huygens instrumental data
the presence of the life evident in the visual images
* Huygens Images: giant aquatic
* Huygens Images: aquatic animal
life or "shapes in the clouds"?
* Huygens Images: giant vines
from the sea and spreading over the land (The so-called "runway",
"rivers", and other vines, bright "islands" near shore are floating
roots or stems.)
* Cassini images: aquatic plants
dotting the sea and giant vines growing from the seas onto land
* Cassini VIMS: false color image
seeming to show the Saturn-facing seas (the "H") seemingly clogged with
matts of aquatic plants (So that's why the seas don't reflect light
* Speculation about Titanian life
1. Introduction to Titan
1655, Titan has been a world
to us. Not only its distance but its perpetual cloud layer has hidden
surface from both earthly eyes and space probe cameras. Now the Cassini
mission to Saturn and the Huygens Titan lander have dimly lifted the
and shown Titan to be a more interesting and exciting Planet than
In some ways, Titan is
Earthlike, and in others, very strange to us. Owing to the methane
in the atmosphere, which absorbs many light wavelengths visible to
eyes, on Titan we would see sunlight and shadows dimly, and we'd miss
stars at night, and perhaps even beautiful Saturn which Titan orbits.
of Titanian creatures, however, would evolve to see in the wavelengths
methane is transparent to, and would be able to see these sights. Titan
has both land and sea areas as does the Earth. The land areas have
hills and lakes. The sea areas are sculpted by the stong tides, and
sand and mud bars, tidal flats and shoals, as well as deeper areas
huge waves crawl lazily along, stirred by gentle tidal winds and
breezes in the low gravity. Where Huygens landed, it was raining a
rain of liquid methane, but it is not known yet whether it rains
or just some places, or whether it rains all the time or just once in a
while. Occasional rain clouds form and then vanish in the antarctic,
it has been summer for several Earth years as I write.
(It seems obvious from Cassini
Huygens images and other observations that)
is covered with verdant vegetation. Forests with plants and trees of
exceeding anything ever seen on Earth poke their way upward in the low
gravity and calm weather. The forests extend from the tropics into the
high arctic and the vegetation changes in character with the latitude.
The seas and lakes are filled with aquatic vegatation much in the
of gigantic swamps. Gigantic vines with sessile leaves crawl for
across the mud bars and over the sea. With the cold temperature, the
gravity, and the long seasons, all of this vegetation probably lives
much in slow motion compared to life on Earth. The individual forest
may perhaps be but little changed since Columbus ventured to the
on Earth.
The only possible signs of
life so far are dubious at best. However, most of the views were too
to identify animals unless they were colossal - "Titanic".
Earth has two poles: North and
Titan has four: North, South, Saturn and Anti-Saturn. Along the
tidal flows rush back and forth between the Saturn -- anti-Saturn seas
and the mid-longitude seas at right angles to Saturn over the course of
each Titanian day, 16 Earth days long. The time of day of the tide
slowly over the course of the year, 30 Earth years long. Titan's
is liquid methane (CH4): at Titan's 94 degree Kelvin temperatures,
water (H2O ice) is just another kind of rock.
The atmosphere is just a
thicker than the Earth's (Huygens measured 1460 millibars) and composed
mainly of the same gas, nitrogen. It is the only other world in the
system with an air pressure even remotely similar to Earth's. Oxygen,
is absent, and water vapour is replaced by methane vapour.
Titan's gravity is only about
of the Earth's. This is even less than our moon's gravity (1/6) even
Titan is over three times the size of our moon, because Titan's core
many lighter materials such as ice, and so it is less dense. The
would seem strangely close to us owing to Titan's smaller size.
Titan is just 1/15th of Earth's size by volume, it has 1/6 of its
While there is a lot more of
unexplored than explored, it would appear that much of tropical Titan
be likened to a vast swampy wetlands, where the question about the
flat surface is not always "liquid or land?" but "how soggy?"
Titan Revealed!, at a
wavelength (939 nm)
Center is 15º south and
156º west; Huygens landed at 10º S, 192º W.
The dark area is the Saturn
antipodal sea -- Saturn is never seen on Titan from this hemisphere,
from the other, it always sits at one point in the sky, lighting the
There appear to be shallows to the East of the islands, possibly silt
the lee of tidal flows. The bright "sinewy" region to the East of it
been dubbed "Xanadu". Clouds are seen near the South pole, which were
on the next fly-by, probably having rained in the polar region. Some of
the darker features here and there are lakes, and what seem to be
have been seen in the southern mid latitudes.
![[Panorama Image]](ShorelinePanoramaLg_Color-D.JPG)
[scroll to see full
image =>]
A tropical methane
as seen by the descending Huygens lander. What looked like an island
rivers from high altitude looks more and more like a flat mudbar, awash
in the sea and covered with huge plants, as Huygens nears its landing
another, very small, mudbar. The dark "rivers" are seen as being
and reflections of the leaves and stems. Aquatic vegetation appears in
and floats on the deeper area in front of the mudbar. The transparency
of the methane and the similar chemistry of air and sea may explain
prolific aquatic vegetation, which appears in Cassini images to blanket
almost the whole of the seas, like duckweed, bullrushes, water lillies
and so on on an Earthly pond.
The area behind the
is probably a very immense, flat beach, just submerged, with big waves
slowly rolling in over it. However, I've never been entirely certain
are waves and not gigantic floating plant stems -- I colored some as
These are also seen by Cassini's radar and labelled "sand dunes", but
are not seen in the visual images.
It seems it was raining at the
time of the landing, with drops of methane almost 1/2 inch across
drizzling down from the gold-orange sky and making the view hazy. In
all the images, considerable contrast enhancement has been employed to
attempt to discern detail in what was dimly seen through the rain or
about submerged in the clear sea.
Titan Major Facts Table
Size |
Km Diameter; somewhat larger than Mercury; almost half the size of
1/15 the size of Earth (by volume). The total surface area is 16% of
or 3/5 of our Land area, or 83 million square Km.
Density |
- about twice that of water. (Earth, the densest planet, is about 5.5.)
Atmosphere |
mBars or 21 PSI as measured by Huygens at sea level, 4.5 times as dense
as Earth's air. (from Boyle's law of boyling: gas
=1.46 bars / (93K/295K). ) Extends over 1000 Km into space. (Cassini
not fly much closer!) ~95% Nitrogen, 4% Methane vapor; 1% Hydrogen.
Seas |
Methane (CH4). Strong tidal flows on a once-per-Titan-day cycle. (See The
Titan) |
Surface Temperature |
+/- .25 degrees Kelvin, or -187 degrees Celsius as measured by Huygens
at the surface. This is 1/3 the thermal energy of Earth.
from Saturn
Gm (Giga-meters), slightly elliptical causing tides; Earth's moon
is .4 Gm from Earth
of day |
Earth days; Titan orbits gas-giant Saturn once in that time, and keeps
the same face always towards Saturn. |
from Sun |
Gm (Giga-meters); Earth is 150 Gm
Year |
Earth Years; Titan is 9.5 times as far from the sun as Earth |
of Equator to the Sun (Seasons) |
degrees (same as Saturn's rings); Earth 23-1/2 degrees |
"Bibliography": Links to other
of Titan information, or copies of those sources:
"Official" sites
with Cassini & Huygens Missions
* General Link to
mission at JPL/NASA: http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov
* General Link to
at ESA: http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Cassini-Huygens
* Cassini Solid State Imaging
Laboratory site: http://www.ciclops.org
Links to Lunar and Planetary
* Huygens Descent Imager &
Radial Spectrometer site: http://www.lpl.arizona.edu/~kholso
* Cassini Visual and Infrared
Spectrometer site: http://wwwvims.lpl.arizona.edu
Selected independent
exploration sites
* This page has links to many
images and information: http://anthony.liekens.net/huygens_static.html
* Some other people's considered
thoughts on Titan: http://www.titanexploration.com/
* Here's a site concentrating on
Titan chemistry:
* René Pascal, Some fine
Mosaics made from the Huygens images: http://www.beugungsbild.de/huygens/huygens.html
Selected email and web
which discuss Titan
* Jupiter List;
the outer solar system". Not necessarily a good place to air new or
ideas, but a good source of quasi-official news releases form NASA,
300 subscribers)
* Cassini Huygens list.
A more open discussion list about the Saturn system and especially the
Cassini-Huygens mission to it. Be prepared to receive lovely (but
large file size) pictures of Saturn's moons and rings, etc, as well as
text, and for limited discussion of other space topics: cassinihuygens@yahoogroups.com
(around 200 subscribers)
* Unmanned Spaceflight Web
My Titan studies started in
(2005) with disbelief of the astonishing idea that Huygens saw no
methane, when it is ubiquitous in the images and also was apparently
by the downward looking spectrometers from 21 meters altitude and by
GCMS instrument when Huygens's landed "with a splat". The Huygens
now appear to have been cast aside with little attention ever having
paid to their fascinating content. "They're full of JPEG artifacts."
"Viewing conditions were poor."
It is tedious to discern the
of a scene and easy to read things that aren't really there into
monochrome images, degraded by methane dewdrops or frost on the lenses
and with the lossy image
compression. However, the Huygens images and data, collected at great
and effort from on Titan itself, are of adequate quality to reliably
Most Interesting Real scenes. Finer points of detail are often
for the very reason of what they show: a changing seascape with waving
in or on very shallow liquid. Many features are seen several times as
descends, providing independent checks of each other to illuminate
and separate it from illusions of light and shadow. Applicable Cassini
images also very much correspond with Huygens images and support the
presented. In fact, no instrument readings or images I've been able to
find actually contradict the views herein expressed: even with
that appear to contradict
each other such as the Earth-based 2003
radar versus the 2005 IR checks for reflections from liquid, this
appears to explain why they might.
This site to a great extent
consists of Huygens's images with my commentary. There is nothing else
to bring to the table but distant images. Huygens info Must be examined
analytically with an open mind, not a mind that has already concluded
things that "must be" and is therefore unable to comprehend what it is
looking at. Colorizing (with retention of the original brightness
is my attempt to make immediately clear features that often took me
time to discern and fathom, not to embellish or - worse - create them.
While I certainly make no claim that every brush stroke and idea
is correct or perfect, I firmly believe I've painted an essentially
and comprehensive picture of the astonishing Real Titan.
Note January 21, 2006.
the low resolution monchrome images evidently making visual recognition
difficult to many, and looking into Huygens's various Surface Science
(SSP) and other sensors further, the various data might seem to
the Gas Chromatograph and Mass Spectrometer (GCMS) finding of
methane on the surface". Without recognition that plant life could
some sort of dry olive branch to a probe landing in the sea, I can
understand how a general belief that "Titan is dry" formed, though I
share it. It seems to be a catch-22: one can't believe in aquatic
without a sea, and one can't believe in the liquid sea without first
that it's choked with gigantic aquatic plants that drastically change
appearance from what would otherwise be expected.
One of my illusions appears to
vanquished: on discovering the actual direction of shadows for the
in question, "giant sea creatures" I thought I saw would appear to be
light and shadow playing tricks with seaweed. If there are sea animals
on Titan, they were too small, too distant, or too strange to be
-- at least by me -- in the Huygens images. And that was to be expected
for anything smaller than whales, except in the after landing images.
for animal life both undersea and above would surely be a worthy
goal for the next Titan explorer, and any balloon should have a "glass
bottom boat" for a bottom. With color (methane bands) cameras, of
We should also temper our hopes by remembering what a monumental
landing a craft on Titan was, and that about 1/2 of all Mars landers
But overall, Titan seems to be
more astonishing than I dreamed when I originally wrote the foreword:
seemed to be land now appears to be mud or silt flats barely level with
the sea, there appear to be waves a mile wide seen by Cassini's radar
through vast beds of seaweed, and Huygens itself appears to have landed
on a small mud or silt bar. Spectrographic data from the surface
the visual scenes of life by finding complex organic compounds with
constituents, different from anywhere else in the solar system, and
that are the end products of a complex organic chemistry.
Perhaps the words of an
space explorer, while somewhat dated by developments in robotic space
and subsequent explorations, are worth quoting here:
would the explorers bring home from Mars? No one can say--just as no
can say what explorers eventually may find on the moons of Jupiter, or
on Pluto.
"Such uncertainty
inevitably attends the conquest of new horizons; explorers since the
of time have been unable to envision the full impact of their
"Often, like
they made confident assessments which time proved wrong. It usually
for those who followed to find the real significance of the explorer's
effort, and to reap benefits far greater than were anticipated. There
little doubt in my mind that the benefits of space travel will emerge
the same way."
Dr. Thomas O. Paine,
Administrator, NASA,
(National Geographic Journal,
1969 - Apollo 11 Moon landing coverage issue.)
send Titan questions, ideas or info, or ideas for site improvements,
at post
dot com.
2005 Craig Carmichael
August 8th, 2005
Rev Aug 16, 2005
Rev Aug 26 (foreword)
Rev Sept 9 2005 (Index: feature
descriptions added)
Rev Nov 12 2005 (Links update)
Rev Jan 21 2006 (update note to
Rev July 08 2006 (Link to
spacelflight" web discussion group; updates to chapter highlights;
HTML cleanup which may have effected some things.)
Rev Jan 23 2007 A few additions
to Introduction to Titan; Colorized Huygens scene.
Addenda - Further Notes 2019/10/31
I wasn't going to change this 'book' in spite of noting many smaller
errors and omissions which were later changed either by further
observation or by new information found and made public as the mission
progressed. The overall thrust is unchanged, but there are a number of
things which are begging to be noted. Some of them I have already noted
over the years in my "Space Update Notes". Here I would add these notes.
1. Atmospheric hydrogen. Before the mission it was estimated that 4% of
Titan's atmosphere was hydrogen gas. But when the "main" results of the
Huygens landing and the early part of the mission were published in
Nature in December 2005, there was no mention of hydrogen in the
atmospheric composition determination. I was very disappointed, as it
was the obvious reactive breathing gas for Titan life. I faithfully
made no mention of it in this book. But later 1% atmospheric hydrogen
gas was mentioned in speculation about "possible" life on Titan. (Open
your eyes! Life is everywhere on Titan!) On inquiring about
that, I
learned that hydrogen was in some way used as a reference in making the
determination of other gases in the atmosphere and so hydrogen itself
couldn't be properly measured in the data collection. This was not a
minor point and I am sorry it was left unexplained without comment in
the scientific publication. But it is certainly not the only place
where misleading amateurish mistakes and omissions were made by
professional space scientists.
Hydrogen is obviously, and according to scientists' speculations about
"the possibility of" life, the breathing gas on Titan. Earth's
oxygen/carbon dioxide cycle wouldn't work on Titan because CO2 would
freeze out of the atmosphere. (even if for no other reason.)
2. Dunes and "giant waves on the sea": At the original time of writing,
the tropical dunes hadn't been discovered by Cassini SAR radar. When
they were I immediately suspected they were submerged at the bottom of
the seas and created by the powerful tides. But just at that time it
was generally believed (ridiculous!) that Titan might be "as dry as a
bone" and so
the dunes had to be in the air. (This, notwithstanding the visual
evidence and the T14 radio
occultation experiment showing liquid hydrocarbon surfaces in the
tropics. And that was by no means the only critical data to simply be
ignored by space scientists when it didn't fit what they presently
However, as methane was non-polar versus polar water on Earth I asked
Ralph Lorenz by e-mail about the SAR radar penetration of liquid
methane. He gave me a slightly vague and condescending answer about
"reflections from the first surface" and "work out the equations for
yourself", but that certainly sounded as if the SAR wouldn't see into
the liquid. This
caused me much confusion as, recognizing the methane sea that had
declared "dry land" by others, I then thought that the dunes could only
be huge waves on the sea surface. (Huge waves were predicted for low
gravity. This seemed a bit much, but what else could they be?) Finally
a year or so later he and others had published conflicting info. I
e-mailed again (without reminding him of the previous e-mail), and this
time he told me what I had originally supposed: that unlike water, "Oh
no, Cassini can see hundreds of meters into liquid methane." It was the
exact opposite of his previous answer. This placed the dune features
seen where I had originally thought, at the bottom of the seas.
3. Furthermore, these "tidal marsh" seas are so shallow that the dune
crests come up to the surface. The plant life growing in this shallow
liquid indicated that what were taken to be "islands" in the descent
images are actually the shallow tops of the dunes, with plant life
sticking up out of the water. (causing the scientists more confusion
about the starkly contrasting "bright" and "dark" materials of the
dunes, since they were blind to both the liquid and the life.) In many
of the Huygens images, the vertical aspects of stems and leaves both in
and above the liquid are quite visible once the nature of the scenes is
recognized. The Huygens probe landed smack on top of a dune in only a
few inches (?) of liquid. Finally this explained its "creme
brulee" soft landing (this was the published term) and yet that it
didn't float around after landing to show us different scenes.
4. The Hugens so-called "Raw" Images: When the Huygens images were
shown and posted it was claimed that they were the "raw", unprocessed
images. However, this is not true. Instead the contrast of each image
has been magnified by different, seemingly 'random' amounts, possibly
until the
brightest pixel became hex FF/white and the darkest one hit hex
00/black. While this may enhance detail in some surface images, it
obscures the relationship between different images and it hides a very
important fact: That the later HRI images had very little contrast.
They were mainly neutral brightness, "medium gray" in the monochrome
images. In the actual raw images, it seems apparent that they are
looking down into liquid. The murky features under the liquid have been
contrast enhanced into a grotesqueness that bears little
resemblance to the original scene. PS: I don't know if the actual raw
images are still available on line anywhere. They weren't at the
official JPL or ESA websites but only on a couple of other websites.
There are links within this 'book', but that was 2006. I've posted them
here in case they aren't available elsewhere any more:
Huygens-Titan-Raw.zip (18 MB - see
chapter 2 for more info about the imagers and images.)
Of course it's important for scaling to know the altitude each image
was taken at: ImageAltitudes.txt
the radar altimeter worked. The sun sensor didn't, so the rotating
direction the camera was
pointing has to be estimated by the content of the image.
5. Titan rotation: It was of course assumed that Titan always kept one
face toward Saturn. However, the Cassini mission lasted for some years,
and in later observations it was noted with surprise that features had
shifted some distance counterclockwise/eastward (50 Km?). (I may
have covered this in "Space Update Notes"?) If the shift continued
it worked out to about one rotation every 1000 Earth years. Why? The
powerful tides would carry silt and debris around the Equatorial seas,
eventually taking it from one end all the way around 270° to the
other end. The tides in one direction (approaching Saturn) are
doubtless more vigorous and faster than those in the other (moving
farther from Saturn), and so the flow of materials is more in one
direction than the other, ever shifting the equatorial geography. In
addition visually, the first Cassini
images (2nd image from top on this page) show silt collecting/settling
in the 'lee' of 'islands' in the sea. These islands (or dune fields)
thus probably
'drift' eastward over time. Also
it seemed to me that I checked and found that tropical sea shorelines
had in fact changed between early and later images. The shifting
materials would cause a gradual shift in Titan's center of gravity, and
hence cause it to gradually rotate for its greatest mass to remain
pointed along the Saturn/anti-Saturn axis. However, I didn't see the
shift of features mentioned again in later publications. There was
speculation that they might shift back. I never found out. My theory
says they will ever continue moving along, but OTOH it
could perhaps be some larger-time-scale form of "libration".
6. Speculation about an underground liquid mantle or underground 'sea':
The circumstantial evidence for these speculations is better explained
by the plainly visible "relatively pure liquid methane" (according to
the Huygens GCMS team) seas on the surface that many space scientists
don't believe in. I haven't seen any real evidence for an underground
sea published. If there is one it is probably pretty deep, more a
liquid mantle than a sea.
Note: It was later said that the GCMS started seeing less methane near
the end of the transmissions and so it couldn't have been reading from
liquid because the intake would have been constant. However the visibly
light of the Huygens spotlight toward the end of the after landing
sequence-animation clearly shows
that the battery was weakening (Huygens wasn't expected to last as long
as it did), which would have reduced the ability of the GCMS to gassify
the liquid. The weakening light and battery seems to correspond quite
well with the reduction in liquid methane being sensed. The readings
thus do after all indicate that Huygens was sitting in shallow liquid
7. Lost Huygens Images: Owing to a software error, images from Huygens'
main data channel A were never received by the Cassini. There were
fortunately two channels, and Cassini was listening to backup channel
B, so half the images and data were received.
The team claimed there were no lost images in the channel B data, but
this is quite obviously not true. First, Huygens had a 10 bit image
count timer starting with zero when the camera was turned on, and each
successive image (one set of three each ten seconds) had a higher
number. That's good up to 1023. At 1024 the counter overflows
back to zero. The image files were named depending on the counter
reading. Thus, there was "triplet.2.jpg", but image 1026 would also
have come through as "2", so its images were also named
"triplet.2.jpg". Obviously there was no guard against duplicate file
names, and the second "triplet.2.jpg" simply overwrote the first. That
this is what happened is plain, because image triplets 000, to 008
(eg), instead of being from the highest altitude, all show after
landing scenes from the ground.
But it gets worse. The image files were also named with maximum three
digits when received. So even though the highest numbered images were
sent as 1000 to
1023 before Huygens' timer rolled over, they were renamed
"triplet.000.jpg" to "triplet.023.jpg" - they overflowed at the
end first. Since data channel A was lost, not all of the names were
taken. There were gaps of 20 or 30 seconds between images instead of
ten seconds, and some numbers were skipped. Thus there is for example
no "triplet.001.jpg".
Thus not all images from high in the atmosphere were overwritten.
Images numbered 0 to 23 were overwritten twice, and numbers above that
until Cassini lost contact with Huygens were overwritten once. Images
called 0 to 8 are all of the after landing scene, and 9 is the first
one from high up that wasn't overwritten. Above 23, more of the high
altitude images were preserved.
I am not at all sure, given the confident denials that any channel B
images were lost, that the team understood what had happened. Unless a
recording of the original Cassini transmission to Earth was saved
somewhere, the images are irretrievably lost - overwritten shortly
after they were received. From 0 up to at least image #190 there are
scenes from after the landing, some of which would have overwritten the
high altitude images of the same number.
In some image triplets (eg #30) one imager shows the after landing
scene and another shows the high altitude view. I'm not 100% sure how
these were put together, but obviously data from all three imagers
wasn't sent in unison. It may be that the triplets were put together
afterward, perhaps by some preprogrammed automatic method?
Luckily as far as can be seen from the high altitude images that
weren't overwritten, there wasn't much to see in them except haze.
However the
presence of images with low numbers showing the after landing scene has
been an obvious source of confusion. It was never explained by the
team. It may be the reason Huygens' visibly dimming spotlight
indicating the low battery wasn't connected with the decreasing flow of
vaporized methane to the GCMS instrument.
8. Examining and making
sense of the images, which are really "the meat in the sandwich" that
puts the rest of the data into context, was clearly not
the team's strong point. In fact, early on I e-mailed to team members
with some of my own observations of this exciting and perplexing
landscape/seascape. Invariably the answer for anything seen was
"Well, the viewing conditions were poor, and the images are full of
jpeg artifacts." While making allowances for that, the images were also
real and showed the real surface of Titan in the vicinity of the
landing. They obviously spent little time or effort trying to make
sense of them. They were soon excited by 'geysers' of water on the
"overgrown comet", Enceladus, and left the images behind without having
figured them out.
"You can say you see pink aliens, or liquid, or cities of gold in the
images." - Ralph Lorenz, JPL
I spent months looking at the Huygens images, and while puzzles remain,
partly owing to that poor quality and low resolution, partly because
they were monochrome
and partly because it's an alien world with unfamiliar alien things on
it, gradually I went from vague and often erroneous ideas to having
what I feel is a pretty clear understandings of much of what I was
looking at.
No doubt there are a few more points, but the above are what I've
thought of offhand that have irked me for many years.
Acknowledgments [2023/01/27]:
The Urantia Book, Paper 49, The Inhabited Worlds opened
my mind to the possibilities for life on other worlds, especially a
section that said our world was in temperature zone 3 of 5 and that
life evolution could be initiated on worlds both "much hotter" and
"much colder" than ours. Without that I would probably have been just
as unobservant and only superficially interested as anyone. I had no
expectation that there would be life on Titan, but I recognized it as a
theoretical possibility and was keenly interested to look when the
images started appearing.
I wish also to thank the space scientists who I crossed emails with,
and especially Dr. Ralph Lorenz at JPL, who, however much he disagreed
with me and thought I was out to lunch, always took the trouble to
answer my several emails of 2005 and 2006.
And of course all those who planned and executed all the multifarious
aspects of the Cassini/Huygens mission, and who published or posted so
much of the data and images, without which we would still know almost
nothing about this fascinating world.