Energy Ltd.
Turquoise Energy News Reports Monthly Newsletters Index
This is Volume 2 Index: (2013 - 2025, #60 - #201)
Go To Issue Listings below
Go to Volume 1 Index (2008 - 2012, #1 -
Presentlyhosted at:
(old site - now gone)
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monthly, please e-mail
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and ask to be put on the newsletters e-mail list.
Hint: To find
the latest and greatest ideas and techniques, search in page from the
recent newsletter back for the topic in question. To follow the
history of development of a project, go the other way.
Latest Overviews:
12 years (#140)
A Decade in review (#115)
7 years in review (#83)
6 years in review (#71)
5 years in review (#59)
4 years of green energy projects (#47)
Project Topics:
Project Status Codes
A - Active
I - active but pretty Inactive to comatose
F - Finished successfully, abandoned or otherwise ended
$ - Product(s) For Sale Hmm, I don't seem to be doing that!
Power Generation
*F Ocean Wave Power: 1/2 price alternative to Site C Peace River
hydro (mostly early
*F Solar
Cells: a titanium dioxide nanocrystalline glaze for improved light
absorption: could improve solar panel and flat collector effectiveness
25-40% (#28, 29 also 27, 42, 48) An array of
solar PV panels in the Okanagan would also be substantially less costly
than Site C Dam, and would occupy much less land area (even without the
*F Better Windplant Blades: A simple idea for notched blades to reduce
noise, increase efficiency - as used on house fans (PP-epoxy) (#34)
* Better Windplant siting: string them like gondolas between mountains?
*I Self-turning Magnet Machine & theory of thermomagnetism
*F Solar "DC Grid Tie" Electricity Project (#52...)
*A Lambda Ray ("VHE Ray") Energy Converter (#94 etc)
Electric Hubcap Car/transport Drive Systems
*F Electric Hubcap axial flux BLDC Motor 11.5" O.D. x
4", 4.6KW 36V (most
*F Electric Caik axial flux BLDC Motor 9.25" O.D. x 4", 3KW
24V "2/3 size" (#58,59,60)
*F Electric Weel axial flux BLDC Motor 28" O.D., 13.8 KW
triple (from #36 (concept)
& #37 (project
*A Unipolar BLDC Motors & Controller - Better performance,
better motor controllers? (#80 - ?)
*A Turquoise Motor
Controller (most newsletters - BEST: IR2133 version with current
modulation (CRM or 'direct torque control') #41, 42, (43)... ... ...)
*A Electric Hubcap Unipolar axial flux BLDC motor (#174...)
*F Nanocrystalline Ceramic
Motor Coil Cores - Unsuccessful per
se, but had
successful offshoots:
- Ilmenite (FeTiO3) paramagnetic coating:
magnetically conductive path from wires to core (#37),
- DSSC nanocrystalline titanium glaze for solar
collector front glass "sand pebbles lenses". (See "Dye
Sensitized Solar
*F Electric Hubcap Outboard Motor (#32, 33, 34 (Honda
7.5 conversion) Motor Obsolete, tossed)
*A Electric Caik Outboard Motor (#60...) ('modern' motor Honda
*F Mushroom Outboard: an Electric Hubcap Outboard from scratch
(#46,47...57... various)
*A Chevrolet Sprint Car electric conversion - with
ultra-efficient FWD
including mechanical torque converter followed by 3 to 1 chain drive
reduction. (various from #43 on. See #157, 158, 164, 170-172)
*'F' Mechanical or Magnetic Torque Converter ("MTC" - most
newsletters from #15 on.)
*I Planetary gears project (owing to not having made a good MTC
yet; later as a 'final drive ratio' gearset following torque converter
- #39, 40) Still later, see next...
*A Magnetic Variable Torque Converter Using Planetary Gear:
(Final conception: #171, August 2022; Test Prototype #172,
Electricity Storage
*A Turquoise Battery (most
newsletters): First successful battery #39. Ni:Mn-Mn #49 & later
( http://www.saers.com/recorder/craig/TurquoiseEnergy/BatteryMaking/BatteryMaking.html )
*F Nickel-Nickel Battery in Potassium Sulfate (#98)
*F Air-Nickel ("Nickel-Air") Battery in K2SO4 (#99)
*F Economical NiMH Dry Cell Car Battery (#35, 36, 37 -
Replaced by Battery Sticks)
*A$ Handy Battery Sticks (NiMH D dry cells in long plastic pipes, 6V
12V (2' or quintos: 5 pipes x 7" to fit PbPb battery boxes), Super
Battery Stick (70 amp-hours, 12V) (#42, 43)
*$ Sodium Sulfate Battery
Additive (triples or quadruples life of
lead-acid batteries - allows renewal of old ones)
* Perpetual Ni:Mn-Zn cell (Ni:Mn = nickel manganates AKA
nickel-manganese oxide AKA NiMn2O4); with measures to prevent zinc ion
*F Electric Car Heater (#22, 23,
25) - Obsolete: see Peltier Element Heat Pump
*F LED low energy House Lighting Project (#41, 42, 43) - Also
low energy LED car lighting.
*F Pulsejet Steel Plate Cutter (#31, 32, 33, 34)
*F Simple capacitive discharge resistance battery tab spot
welder (#30, 32)
*F Peltier Element shallow chest, superinsulated
refrigerator (#54, 55)
*I Peltier Element Heat Pump for electric cars, homes (57 or
*F Magnetic refrigeration & heat pumping (#55) (Abandoned as
being an inferior technology)
*I CNC Farming Machine (Concept #57)
*F Aquaponics (#75, 79-82...)
Societal Problems and Structures for Advance
May 2016: See new overview at www.HandsOnDemocracy.org
* Department of Progress (#21, 35)
* The Disgrace of the Patent System (#28, 84 [death by
patent examples: 7,
?, #55])
* Who Killed the Nickel-Metal Hydride Battery (#7)
* Shorten the Working Hours! (#54)
* Various other editorials in many issues
* Also see my booklet (2003, Rev 2012):
Fundamental Principles of Democratic Government: Towards Utopian
of Governance.
* Referendums Web Site: DirectVotes.org (TBA)
The idea: Make your own petition or referendum; simple, fair choice
ranking voting; add choices to referendums started by others. The
issues raised and votes on them aren't (today) binding on governments,
but they and everyone will know what people are really concerned with
and where public opinion really stands on the issues raised.
* More societal organization ideas in later newsletters.
Individual Monthly Issue Links
Contents (In reverse order by date):
There is one link to each issue, at the
Turquoise Energy News #201
reporting February 2025 -
(posted March 7th 2025)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
* "Sand Battery" experiment - OLAHP: Setup, Tests, Rotary
Compressor/Decompressor - 3D Printing - New DC/Solar Power Monitor -
Cabin Construction - Gardening - Approveable Grid-Tied Solar System Kit
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
* Planetary Management: Unrepresented Constituencies -
Scattered Thots (Conductive Fabric) - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports -
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Unipolar Electric Hubcap Motor... Plastic Recycling?
Other "Green" & Electric
Equipment Projects
* "Faraday Cabin" Construction - insulating with styrene foam - SW
floor joists
* "Bedroom Sand Battery" Experiment
* Open Loop Air Heap Pumping (OLAHP): finish setup and some tests -
Optimal Compressor/Decompressor Designs
* Multiple 3D Printing Projects
Electricity Storage:
Batteries (no reports)
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - New Power Monitor for House Solar Charging
- Latest
Daily/Monthly Solar
Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries, Estimates,
Turquoise Energy News #200
reporting January 2025 -
(posted February 9th 2025)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
* New Unipolar BLDC "Electric Hubcap" motor (for Sprint Car) - Hot-wire
Foam Cutters - Faraday Cabin: Insulation, Some floor joists - "SCABA"
devices (Self Contained Arctic Breathing Apparatus) - More Practical
Magnetic Refrigeration?
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
* Scattered Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports -
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Unipolar Electric Hubcap Motor Construction
Other "Green" & Electric
Equipment Projects
* Hot-Wire Plastic Foam Cutters - small one - "plastic mill" - large
one &
cutting styrene foam
* "Faraday Cabin" Construction - insulating with styrene foam - Some
floor joists
Electricity Storage:
Batteries (no report on battery development)
* My 36V Power Systems: Charging the LiFePO4 Cells
* Some Thoughts on Storing Solar Energy as Heat: "Dump Loads" -- Sand
Battery Experiment for February
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - Latest
Daily/Monthly Solar
Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries, Estimates,
Turquoise Energy News #199
reporting December 2024 -
January 9th 2025)
Month In
(Project Summaries etc.)
* Faraday Cage Cabin: Insulation, Interior walls - Rewinding Motor to
36V for Sprint Car
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
* Ganymede in Stereo (followup to last month) - Scattered Thots
- Detailed
Project Reports -
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Induction Motor Conversion to 36 Volts for Chevy Sprint
Other "Green" & Electric
Equipment Projects
* Low EMF Cabin Construction
Electricity Storage:
Batteries (no reports)
Electricity Generation
* Power Outage: Running Freezers Off-Grid & Measurements
for Tinnitus
* My Solar Power System: - Latest
Daily/Monthly Solar
Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries, Estimates,
Turquoise Energy News #198
reporting November 2024 -
December 4th 2024)
Extra Special
Feature: Galileo Launch 35th Anniversary:
What NASA Missed on Ganymede
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
* Ganymede! - Faraday Cage Cabin: Insulation, Interior walls - End of
Unapproved Solar Grid Tie System - New Grid Tied Solar System Subsidy -
Connecting the Other Solar Panels to the Cabin - Easy Fixing Rusty
Vehicles? - Rewinding Motor to 36V for Sprint Car
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
* Referendums are Not Always the Right Way
* Scattered Thots: - More on Potassium (or Sodium) BROMIDE for
Essential Tremors - Grounded Conductive Fibers for Blocking AC
Fields/Tinnitus - Hair Today...
- Detailed
Project Reports -
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Induction Motor Conversion to 36 Volts for Chevy Sprint
Other "Green" & Electric
Equipment Projects
* Low EMF Cabin Construction
Electricity Storage:
* "+" Electrode 2-axis Compacting Ideas (ideas are cheap)
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - The Usual (and this month UNusual) Latest
Daily/Monthly Solar
Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries, Estimates,
Turquoise Energy News #197
reporting October 2024 -
November 7th 2024)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
* New Style "Microinverter" Grid Ties - The "PowMr" Solar Charge
Controllers & Cabin Heat - DIN Rail Circuit Breakers - Self
Contained Arctic Breathing Apparatus (SCABA)? - New 3D printer ordered
- No osmium powder yet!?! - Cabin Construction
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
* Cause & Cure of Arthritis
* Potassium Bromide for Essential Tremors?
* Scattered Thots: Home Ownership Rates vs. National Wealth - How the
Printing Press [further] Ruined English Spellings
- Detailed
Project Reports -
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
- No Reports
Other "Green" & Electric
Equipment Projects
* Cabin Construction
* 36V DC Wiring
* Tinnitus Reduction
* Fall Gardening
Electricity Storage:
Batteries - No reports (When do I get my osmium powder?)
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - The Usual Latest Daily/Monthly Solar
Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries, Estimates,
Turquoise Energy News #196
reporting September 2024 -
October 9th 2024)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
* Tile Floor - Renewable Energy Symposium - Tinnitus Recap - Cabin
Construction - "Sand Battery" for heat storage - "For what it's worth"
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Detailed
Project Reports -
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
Unipolar EV Motor (just thoughts)
Other "Green" & Electric
Equipment Projects
* Cabin Construction
* 36V DC Wiring & Tinnitus Reduction
* Gardening: Fall harvests
Electricity Storage:
* Double Compaction - Copper (Monel): It Works!
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - The Usual Latest Daily/Monthly Solar
Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries, Estimates,
Turquoise Energy News #195
reporting August 2024 - (posted
September 5th 2024)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
* Cabin - "DC Appliance"=AC Appliance+Attached Inverter? - Battery
R & D
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
* An Inhabited Planet?
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems (no reports)
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Cabin Construction & 36V DC Wiring
* Gardening: Fall harvests
Electricity Storage:
* More experiments - Need for double or triple axis compaction of
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - The Usual Latest
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #194
reporting July 2024 - (posted
August 9th 2024)
Feature: Some Thoughts on DC Houses & DC Appliances
(Under Other Green & Electric Projects
-- also more on the subject under Cabin Construction & 36V DC
Wiring immediately following that, and in August in Brief)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
* New Chemie Batteries - DC Wiring Demo Panel - Cabin
DC Wiring & Construction
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
* Scattered
Thots: What Makes an Inventor? - AC Body Voltage Levels - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems (no reports)
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Some Thoughts on DC Building Wiring & DC Appliances
* Cabin Construction & 36V DC Wiring
* Gardening
Electricity Storage:
* Various-Zincate cells - gold plating - Electrode Powder Compaction
Electricity Generation
* New Grid Tie(s) - My Solar Power System: - The Usual Latest
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #193
reporting June 2024 - (posted
July 11th 2024)
'Everlasting' Zinc/Zincate Electrode Works!; At
Least a 'Forever' Nickel-Zinc
Cell? [Brief; Detailed]
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
* On the Woes of Inventors & Creative People - Copper
Oxyhydroxide-Zincate Battery - Cabin
Construction & Wiring - Vehicle Coefficients of Drag... and of
course Rolling Resistance - Charging an e-Bike from Solar - Spring
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
* Scattered
Thots [Declining white populations] - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems (no reports)
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Open Loop Air Heat Pumping
* Cabin Construction & 36 V DC Solar Wiring
* Spring Gardening
Electricity Storage:
* Copper-Zinc cell - Nickel-Zinc cell
Electricity Generation
* New Old Solar Panel - My Solar Power System: - The Usual Latest
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #192
reporting May 2024 - (posted
June 13th 2024)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- DC Power: Thermostat on Heaters in Bedroom; "New(?)"
LED "Mushroom" Ceiling Light; Broken solar Panel Mounted
Copper Oxyhydroxide-Zincate Battery - Electric Fields & Tinnitus -
Construction - Gardening: Coffee!
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
* Scattered
Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems (no reports)
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Open Loop Air Heat Pumping
* Cabin Construction
* Gardening
Electricity Storage:
* Copper-Zinc cell - Reference Electrode: Zinc side is good, copper
Electricity Generation
* New Old Solar Panel - My Solar Power System: - The Usual Latest
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #191
reporting April 2024 - (posted
May 13th 2024)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
Solar Battery Install - 36 VDC Bedroom Outlet & Heater -
"Everlasting" Cu-Zn
Battery Development - Cabin Construction Work - Tinnitus
("ringing in the ears") Relief Project - "Miles the Second" (EV Truck)
Cabin Construction
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
* Population Explosion/Implosion - Scattered
Thots (DST Gripes etc) - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems [No
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Electrical Noise Reduction for Tinnitus Relief: A way to Measure AC
Field Effects!; Beanie
& Pillowcase; EMF Meter; Car Shields; Video Links, Titles
* Cabin Construction
Electricity Storage:
* Copper-Zinc cell is fantastic! - April's developments
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - The Usual Latest Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #190
reporting March 2024 - (posted
April 12th 2024)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
"Everlasting" Cu-Zn
Battery Development - Zinc-Air Batteries for Aircraft! -
Open Loop Air Heat Pumping - Cabin Construction - Gardening
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
* More on Tinnitus & AC Power: Beanie & Pillowcase; EMF
Meters; Car Shields - Scattered
Thots (DST Gripes etc) - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems (No reports)
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Open Loop Air Heat Pumping
Electricity Storage:
* Copper-Zinc cells: Experiments, Designs...
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - The Usual Latest Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #189
reporting February 2024 - (posted
March 9th 2024)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
Five Years of Solar Power - "Everlasting" Cu-Zn
Battery Development - Terminology: Anode, Cathode &
Electrodes - Open Loop Air Heat Pumping: Making the heat exchanger -
Better Peltier Coolers Project -
Cabin Construction
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Scattered
Thots (Viewpoints, Citizen Participation in Governance) - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
(no reports)
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Making indoor-outdoor heat exchanger for Open Loop Heat Pumping
* Cabin Construction
Electricity Storage:
* Much work and several experiments - 'everlasting' Copper-Zinc cell
looks closer
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: Figures for Five Years of Solar Power
- The Usual Latest Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #188
covering January 2024 - (posted
February 13th 2024)
Month In
(Project Summaries etc.)
"Everlasting" Cu-Zn
Battery Development - [Electro]Magnetic Torque Converter:
Better Designs - Open Loop Air Heat Pumping: - Even Better Air
Compressor & Decompressor Designs - Recap: How OLAHP Works
Better Peltier Module Project
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Scattered
Thots: Tinnitus Measurement in dB - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Perfecting the Magnetic Variable Torque Converter: Video - An Even
Better Design!
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Even Better Air Compressor Design! for Open Loop Heat Pumping
Electricity Storage:
* Copper-Zinc cell is fantastic! - Many buids and tests etc, etc, etc,
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - The Usual Latest Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #187
covering December 2023 - (posted
January 10th 2024)
Highlight: Battery
Breakthrough: Copper!
(See December in Brief, Electricity Storage)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- High Energy Cu-Zn
Battery Development - Open Loop Air Heat Pumping -
Cabin Construction
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Scattered
Thots: Protective gear for tinnitus - How to turn polyethylene into
clean heating fuel [LDPE, HDPE,
UHMW... grocery bags, food containers saying HDPE] - Cities in
"Overshoot" - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
(No Reports)
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Open Loop Air Heat Pumping
* Cabin Construction
Electricity Storage:
* Copper-Zinc cell using cupro-nickel for the copper?
- with Perforated Tube Plastic Pocket Electrodes - Charging
& Initial Tests - Flat Cell
- A Design for a Manufactured CuNi-Zn Battery?
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - The Usual Latest Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #186
covering November 2023 - (posted
December 8th 2023)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
Miles Mini Cargo Van EV - "Everlasting" NiZn Battery Development - New
Air Compressor-Decompressor Design for Open Loop Air Heat Pumping -
Power Line Electric Fields - Cabin Construction & 40V("36V") DC
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Jet Contrails or "Chemtrails" and Climate Chaos - Scattered
Thots (a better way to kill hair mites - ... - Strange Lunar Surface) -
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Miles Truck - for now: Fixed
ratio Drive. Running, has too much vibration - Handheld Programmer
working... sort of.
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Air Compressor-Decompressor Designs for Open Loop Air Heat
("OLAHP") - & a great indoor heat radiator?
* Cabin Construction
* Shielding from Power Line Electric Fields
Electricity Storage:
* New Build with Perforated Tube Plastic Pocket Electrodes - Charging
& Initial Tests - Problems
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - The Usual Latest Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #185
covering October 2023 - (posted
November 3rd 2023)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Miles Mini Cargo Van EV - T-Plugs & T-Sockets (12V, 36V DC
Wiring): Double Plugs - Cabin Construction - Hydro Dams Versus River
Flow Hydro
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Israelstine - Scattered
Thots () - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Miles Truck - for now: Fixed
ratio Drive
* The Long-Planned Unipolar "Electric Hubcap" Motor
- New Idea: Hallbach Stator Configuration? ...as well as
Hallbach Rotor - HUGE magnetic flux, torque!
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* T-Plugs & T-Sockets (36V DC Wiring)
* Cabin Construction
* Handheld Bandsaw Mill - some notes
* October's Gardening
Electricity Storage:
Batteries [no reports]
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - The Usual Latest Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #184
covering September 2023 - (posted
October 13th 2023)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Just Thinking About Home Heating - Cabin Construction &
Troubles - A Different Car Motor Project - Magnetic Variable
Transmission/Miles Truck - Nissan Leaf Turns 100 - Fake "Copper" Wire -
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Life on the Moon??? or ??? - Scattered
Thots ( Updates: - Tinnitus - Hair Loss/Gain: Mites gone! - Eyelash
mites - Population
- Changing Borders: China, Ukraine ) - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Miles Truck & Magnetic Variable Torque Converter - for now: Fixed
ratio Drive
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Cabin Construction
* September's Gardening
Electricity Storage:
Batteries [no reports]
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - The Usual Latest Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #183
covering August 2023 - (posted
September 8th 2023)
Month In
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Excuses - A Better Peltier Module? - Magnetic Variable
Transmission/Truck - Fires: Another Reason for Metal Walls on the Cabin
- Masset Airport Solar Power: Winter Sun Angles - Wind Power on Cargo
Ships - Ship Fire: Wasn't a Lithium Ion battery?
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- The Cause of Tinnitus: AC power fields - Scalp Mites/Hair Loss:
A Factoid & Exterminating - Hot Weather Ahead - SUDDEN SEA LEVEL
RISE (it's coming!) - Scattered
Thots ( - ) - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Magnetic Variable Torque Converter
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Cabin Construction
* August Gardening
Electricity Storage:
Batteries [no report]
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - The Usual Latest Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #182
covering July 2023 - (posted
August 11th 2023)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Several Possible Materials for Improved Peltier Modules? -
Magnetic Variable Torque Converter
- Lithium Ion Battery Explosions - Cabin Walls: Cellulose Fiber
Insulation & Heating Energy
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Unqualified Legislatures - Hair Gone, Back Tomorrow? -
Thots (Tinnitus, les Geurres) - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Magnetic Variable Torque Converter
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Oxy-hydrogen ("HHO") Gas: A Better Way? - with Reducing Flame
* July Gardening
Electricity Storage:
Batteries [no report]
Lithium Ion Battery Resurrection from the Dead?
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - New Grid Tie Inverters, New Wiring
- & The Usual Latest Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #181
covering June 2023 - (posted
July 12th 2023)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Two Videos: Bandmill, NiMn2Ox electrode - "Premium" Peltier Cooler
Experiments - & Better Peltier modules? - June Gardening - Electric
Fields & Tinnitus Experiment - Magnetic Variable Torque Converter -
Sprint "Mileage" - "Long" Highway Trip in Nissan Leaf - Moscow:
Electric River Ferries - China: World's Largest Wind Turbine
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Discriminatory Laws and Policies - Scattered Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems [No
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Premium Peltier Cooler Experiments: Copper Cools Better! - Better
Peltier Modules with Beryllium Oxide Ceramic?
* June Gardening
Electricity Storage:
Batteries [no report]
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: The Usual Latest Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #180
covering May 2023 - (posted
June 14th 2023)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
New Chemie Battery - Cleaning Oxidized Copper Wires, Pipes: HCl ! -
Torque Converter - Copper Peltier Heat Transfer Elements
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Scattered Thots/Editorials - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Magnetic Variable Torque Converter with Planetary Gear: The
Future of the Automotive Industry!
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Peltier Module Cooler: Copper Heat Transfer Parts
* Toward Open Loop Air Heat Pumping (New outdoor air heat exchanger
* Spring Gardening (Lots of it!)
Electricity Storage:
Batteries [no report]
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: The Usual Latest Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #179
covering April 2023 - (posted
May 3rd 2023)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Volunteer Citizen Grievance Panels (recap) - Magnetic Variable
Torque Converter - Copper Peltier Heat Transfer Elements - Acoustic
Heat Pumping - End of EV Adoption?
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Safer Tree Cutting? - Journalism: Shoot the Messenger!
- Scattered Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Magnetic Variable Torque Converter with Planetary Gear: The
Future of the Automotive Industry!
- Casting a copper Rotor
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Peltier Module Cooler: Copper Heat Transfer Parts
Electricity Storage:
Batteries [no report]
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: The Usual Latest Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #178
covering March 2023 - (posted
April 8th 2023)
Special Feature:
Local Volunteer Grievance Panels: No
cost, timely and fair adjudication of minor disputes between
Individuals and Institutions/Organizations (See in "In Passing")
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
Magnetic Variable Torque Converter - Renewable Energy Symposium #2 -
Magnetic Cooling with Gadolinium? Nah! - Copper Heatsinks? - A Better
Air Compressor? - A Working Battery! (for a while)... Exploring
Battery Making Video Series - Solar Frame Fix - Magnetic Variable
Torque Converter -
"New Chemistry" Battery Research & Development - A Second Means of
Taming Zinc Ions! - Exploring Battery Making Videos - Plastic Recycling
2.0 - EV from Victoria Visit - Gardening
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Federal, Provincial & Municipal Local Grievance Panels
- Scattered Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Magnetic Variable Torque Converter with Planetary Gear: The
Future of the Automotive Industry!
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Open Loop Air Heat Pumping
Electricity Storage:
* This month's progress
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System:
- The Usual Latest Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #177
covering February 2023 - (posted
March 5th 2023)
Highlight: ZX40 Mini cargo
Truck; Build & Tests of Magnetic Variable Torque Converter (See
February in Brief, Electric Transport, Video Link - 7 minutes)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Magnetic Variable Torque Converter: Build + Tests, Video Link -
"New Chemistry" Battery Research & Development - Home Solar Power:
4 Years - Plastic Recycling 2.0 Demo
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Scattered Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Magnetic Variable Torque Converter with Planetary Gear: The
Future of the Automotive Industry! Assembling/Installing one for
Miles Truck: working. - wants still more magnetic interaction
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
(no reports)
Electricity Storage:
* Gelled Ni-Zn: 3D Printed PVB Case - Copper wire strands for zinc
current collector? - Assembly - Keytone wetting for NiOOH: YAH! -
Testing. Mn-Zn cell: Rechargeable?
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System:
- The Usual Latest Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes - FOUR FULL YEARS!
Turquoise Energy News #176
covering January 2023 - (posted
February 12th 2023)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Magnetic Variable Torque Converter for ZX40 truck - Soldering
Alume: Wow, easy! - Another Peltier Module Heatsink Idea - Battery
chemie, design, experiments... not without some Success - Living Titan
(the planet orbiting Saturn)
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Scattered Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Magnetic Variable Torque Converter with Planetary Gear: The
Future of the Automotive Industry! Assembling/Installing one for
Miles Truck: Almost working.
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Indoor & LED Gardening
* Plastic recycling 2.0 - No smells at 500° in kitchen oven; PETE
failure; PE Bleach bottle melt... not long enough in the oven.
Electricity Storage:
* Oodles of eperiments: Gelled Co(OH)2 + Zn Salt Cells - Theoretical
about cobalt & its
oxides - Didn't work as expected but the lower voltage redox reaction
that does work has double amp-hours: 3 to 5 times the amp-hours of
nickel! - Cobalt electrode conductivity additive: copper powder - Zinc
grit from alkaline 'D' cells - Super lightweight "packaging tape" cell:
over 100 WH/Kg - 35 WH rechargeable 'D' cells? - A Ni-Zn cell
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System:
- The Usual Latest Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #175
covering Decmber 2022 - (posted
January 8th 2023)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Magnetic Variable Torque Converter for ZX40 truck - Battery
chemie, design, experiments... and some Success!
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Smol Thots (Fraud &
corruption... corporate & individual; Ukraine) - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Magnetic Variable Torque Converter with Planetary Gear: The
Future of the Automotive Industry! Assembling/Installing one for
Miles Truck
* Axial Flux Unipolar BLDC Motor - 5KW? - Magnet Rotor
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Indoor & LED Gardening
Electricity Storage:
* Gelled NiMn2O4+n - Zn Salt Cell - A.K.O. New Experiment Details -
NiMn2O4(+n) apparently has low reaction voltage but high amp-hours
- Zinc
dendrite problem solved! by sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate gel
& osmium doped film - Cobalt Oxides "+"?
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System:
- The Usual Latest Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #174
covering November 2022 - (posted
December 5th 2022)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- I Want a Better Camera? - Improving a Peltier Cooler: "New"
Experiments - New Battery Experiments
- Magnetic Variable
Converter: Better than The Best! (making for Miles Truck) - Axial
Unipolar BLDC Motor (5KW? - Magnet rotor cut)
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Amazon: A Den of Thieves! -
Car Key FOB Hidden Health Hazard - Smol Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Magnetic Variable Torque Converter with Planetary Gear: The
Future of the Automotive Industry! (Building one for Miles Truck)
* Axial Flux Unipolar BLDC Motor - 5KW? - Magnet Rotor
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Peltier Cooler Performance: Greatest Cooling is running at
9-10 volts
* Indoor & LED Gardening
Electricity Storage:
* Gelled Ni-Zn Salt Cell - A.K.O. New Experiment Details
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System:
- The Usual Latest Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #173
covering October 2022 - (posted
November 5th 2022)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Climate warming? - Solar Panel Energy Payback - Magnetic Variable
Converter: Better than The Best! - Housing/Mountings to put the
truck on the road - Plastic
Recycling 2.0 Video - New VanMoof (E)-Bicycle - Tom's Solar Storage
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- The East-West Split in the Ukraine -
Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Magnetic Variable Torque Converter with Planetary Gear: The
Future of the Automotive Industry!
- Ratio of Planetary Gear: I Chose Too Low? - making
housing et al
* New VanMoof (E)-Bicycle (Well, not "E-" unless I go to who knows how
much work)
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Gardening: More Fall Harvesting
* Bay Window Garden
* A Nifty Dirt Sifter - Get out Rocks & Weeds, Roots!
* CNC Gardening Machine - Bed Prep Tools (just thoughts)
Electricity Storage:
* Ni-Zn cell gelled with PVA
Electricity Generation
* Ocean Wave Power: Another Novel Approach? (just thoughts)
* My Solar Power System:
- The Usual Latest Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #172
covering September 2022 - (posted
October 9th 2022)
Successful Tests:
Magnetic Variable Torque Converter with Planetary Gearset Moves
Miles ZX40 Truck (see in Month in Brief, Electric
also see Video of
test prototype working. This design works really well -- will change
the automotive industry!)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Cabin - Halbach "Array" Magnet Rotor Configurations - Great Variable
Torque Converter at Last! - Power Outage Preparedness
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Proactive Approach to Democracy - Asteroid Dimorphos: Ahrrrg,
Again!!! - How Famines Develop Rapidly - Satellites or Armed Drones? -
Thots (Planetary Carrying Capacity Chart, more...) - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Variable Torque Converter with Planetary Gear: a Magnetic Method -
Assembling the unit - Installing batteries and getting the truck
running again - Halbach Magnet Rotor Configuration: Double the
magnetism (for axial flux BLDC Motors, too!) - Installation -
Tests: Problem; then SUCCESSFUL OPERATION - Video on Youtube -
Improved with Halbach magnet rotor.
* Sprint Car: Tires, TK15 Coulometer to track state of charge,
volts, amps
* Thoughts: Unipolar Electric Hubcap Motor With Halbach Magnet
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Gardening: Some Fall Harvesting - Salal berry Rake
Electricity Storage:
Batteries [no
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System:
- The Usual Latest Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #171
covering August 2022 - (posted
September 1st 2022)
Simplest Concept Automatic Variable Torque Converter - using planetary
gear and magnetic disks (see under August in Brief, Electric
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
Cabin Construction - Ground Effect Craft Model: test (ESC) failed -
Chevy Sprint Shenanigans (Smaller tire = Performance!) - Variable
Torque Converter, Take 123 - Bandmill Use & and Improvement -
Plastic Recycling 2.0 - Dual EV Boat Motors - The Wuling HongGuang
"Mini EV" - Lithium Gripes (Sponsored by Petroleum Industry as usual?)
- Grid-Down Necessities: Well Pump!
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
Thots (Big Bust, Ignoring Symptoms, Mincing Words) - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* More Chevy Sprint Shenanigans (Smaller tire = Performance!)
* Variable Torque Converter with Planetary Gear: a Magnetic Method
* Axial Flux EV Motors Discussion (from Youtube Video Comments)
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Plastic Recycling 2.0
* Gardening
Electricity Storage:
Batteries [no
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System:
- The Usual Latest Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #170
covering July 2022 - (posted
August 5th 2022)
Free Electricity from HE Rays with Tesla Coils? (See in Month in Brief - scroll down,
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Testing Cut, Dried Lawn Grass as Building Wall Insulation - Solar
Batteries - not enuf? - Ground Effect Vehicle (R/C model)
- Chevy Sprint: F/R switch is not good enough; Tire "gear ratio" -
Honey Bumble Bees!? - Cabin: Some Progress! - Free Electricity from HE
Rays with Tesla Coils? - Solar Boat
& Car Charging in Victoria - Another Ground Effect Craft Design
Critique - Regular Water Heater for Solar?
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Tinnitus: Caused by High Voltage Electricity? ... Radio
Radiation Studies are Needed -
Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems [no reports]
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Lawn Grass Building wall Insulation: R-value tests & more.
Electricity Storage:
Batteries [no
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System:
- Latest Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #169
covering June 2022 - (posted
July 9th 2022)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Misc - New Chemie Battery - DIY EV Stuff - Sea Glider
Electric Ground Effect Ferry: a Critique -
Water as energy storage? - Solar Deep Well Pump - New 302AH LiPo Cells
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Everybody's Garbage Problem - USA: "Civil Service" Run Amok -
Russia & Ukraine Again (Oh no, not again!) - Smol
Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems [no reports]
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Gardening
* Plastic Recycling 2.0
* Lawn Grass Building Wall Insulation
Electricity Storage:
* Gelled Nickel Zinc
Flat cell with external face clamps
* My Solar Power System:
- Latest Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #168
covering May 2022 - (posted
June 8th 2022)
In "Brief" (Project Summaries etc.)
- Gardening - Brief Projects Mentions - Panasonic 5.5 amp-hour
Lithium-Ion Batteries: "Compression Case" - Nickel-Zinc Flat Cells with
compression case? -
Solar PV Addition results - Off-Grid Infrastructure: Another 3D printed
case - The Grid: "Smart" meter Readings online - The "Low Rolling
Resistance" Tires - Bitcoin Miner
- "Solar" 24V DC Deep Well Pump
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- The West Versus Itself Versus Russia... with FARMING &
FOOD, FUEL, US 2019 PLAN TO "BREAK" RUSSIA, Zelensky the Kremlin
- Freezer Chicken Coop? - No Smol
Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems [no reports]
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Just a bit more on Gardening
* Just a bit more on Plastic Recycling 2.0 - Big Oven -
Flattening curved steel plates from big propane tank.
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System:
- Inverter Test - Rewiring Some Solar Panels - Yet More New Solar
Panels? - Switch Ratings
- Latest Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #167
covering April 2022 - (posted
May 8th 2022)
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Spring Gardening - Plastic Recycling 2.0 - Solar PV Addition - Worth
of Solar PV? - More On Solar PV... & Latitude - Huge Duct Fan -
Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries Arrive
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Food Shortages? - Ukraine... A.K.A. USA (by proxy) Versus Russia -
Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems [no reports]
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Spring Gardening - Tiller for Lawn Tractor and Barley Patch -
Seedlings - Purchased Tomatoes - Corn - Potatoes
* Plastic Recycling 2.0 Development (for Vertical Axis Wind
& Water Plant, multi-use flat sheets)
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System:
- Not So Great Grid Ties? (Hmm... they seem pretty good after
- Three New Solar Panels: On Carport Roof (sunniest place of all)
- Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly/Annual Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #166
covering March 2022 - (posted
April 3rd 2022)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Gardening - Handheld Bandsaw: Milling & Improvements -
Various... - Ni-Zn Batteries & Open Loop Air Heat Pumping thoughts
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Justice & Elimination of Antisocial Predators - Ukraine
(again/more) - Smol
Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems [no reports]
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Spring Gardening
* Plastic Recycling 2.0 Development (for Vertical Axis Wind
& Water Plant, multi-use flat sheets)
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System:
- Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #165
covering February 2022 - (posted
March 7th 2022)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- My Solar Power System: 3 Years - Wind/water plant + Plastic
Recycling Development
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Shadow Banning and Biased Narratives - Ukraine - Smol
Thots (the Need to evolve Democracy) - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* The Large, Efficient Centrifugal Clutch - thoughts
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* CNC Table & HHO torch system
* Winter Gardening
* Vertical Axis Wind and Water Plant with plastic recycling development
Electricity Generation
* Vertical Axis Windplant (& Waterplant) & Plastic Recycling
2.0: - Videos: Rotor as a waterplant; Plastic Recycling 2.0: Making
a mold and casting a flat plate - Recessed Panels, Shingle Shapes
* My Solar Power System:
- Three Years with Solar
- Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #164
covering January 2022 - (posted
February 6th 2022)
Special Features:
• Plastic
Recycling 2.0 - remanufacturing/recycling plastics a simpler way!
(Month in Brief, Electricity Generation)
• Water Wall ! the Wind Wall repurposed for
stream, river, tidal power! (Month in Brief, Electricity Generation)
(Project Summaries etc.)
- "WindWarp" VAWT Windplant... and waterplant Development &
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Smol
Thots: Fertilizer & Food Shortages; Trucks Tied Up; Excess Deaths
2021; Land Living Frogs (Permian evolution); A Local Environmental
Collapse? - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems [no reports]
* Unipolar Electric Hubcap Motors: Cast PP Bodies?
* Potential Driving Range of the Chevy Sprint EV with the Ultra
Efficient Drivetrain
* Unfairly Maligning the Low Rolling Resistance Tires? - Sticking Brakes
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* CNC Table
* Winter Gardening
Electricity Generation
* Windrap™ VAWT Windplant (& Waterplant) & Plastic Recycling
2.0: - Plastic
Recycling 2.0: General Discussion - Some more casting rotors from PP
ropes - Brushless generators arrive, test - Failure of the "Transparent
PETE Greenhouse Panels" idea - Water Power Plant ! - Casting
* My Solar Power System:
- Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #163
covering December 2021 - (posted
January 4th 2022)
Highlight: The Best Vertical
Axis Windplant Blades & Rotor
(Project Summaries etc.)
- "Wind Wall" VAWT Windplant Development & Research - Solar
Connection & Switching Board - Cross-Current Tidal Power
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Smol
Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* (A few measurements for me for later: Planned Unipolar Electric
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* CNC Table (still not working)
Electricity Generation
* Wind Wall Windplant: Mold & recycled polypropylene rotor
blade development/production -- and some more design research
* My Solar Power System:
- Improvements: Switches to switch panels between AC
and DC systems, and Another Grid Tie
- Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly Summaries,
Estimates, Notes
Turquoise Energy News #162
covering November 2021 - (posted
December 4th 2021)
Feature: Efficient, Quiet, Low-Speed
("Savonius" flavor) "Wind Wall" Windplant for Light to High Winds
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Wind Wall: New design has it all: low noise, high
power capture
(40%?), power in low winds, bird grille, to be made of abundant
recycled PP plastic. - New Grid Tie Solar Inverters - Handheld Bandsaw
Mill Kit Status - At Last:
A Superior way to fasten magnets to an axial flux rotor!
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Grass Building Insulation (R4.2 per inch) - Smol
Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* "Low Rolling Resistance Tires" -- So Called? -- An Adverse Report
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects (no reports)
Electricity Generation
* "Wind Wall" with New "Savonius" Rotor Design, Vanes, "Darrieus"
level performance, even in low winds
- "Wind Jammer" rotors - Mini Wind Tunnel - better flat "air
scoops" rotor - new "compound rotor" design better yet - These
plus stationary wind guide "vanes" improve performance to "Darrieus"
levels: around 40% instead of under 20%.
* My Solar Power System:
- New Grid Tie Solar Inverters: One installed
- Power Outage and "Off-Grid" System Improvements
- Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly Summaries and
Turquoise Energy News #161
covering October 2021 - (posted
November 4th 2021)
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Pick One Project? - Windplant As Emergency Generator? - Battery Stack
#3 - UHMW for Motor Molds? - Handheld
Bandsaw Mill Kit - Oxyhydrogen (HHO) Gas Torch: CNC Steel Cutting Idea
- CNC Router Mounting - Equipment for CNC Gardening? - A Metal Trimming
Technique (for thick sheets)
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- New Thought on Tinnitus - Eelgrass Building Insulation - Smol
Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Lithium Ion Battery stack #3 Assembly (for Miles truck)
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* CNC Router Setup
* Handheld Bandsaw Mill Kit
* DC Plugs & Sockets: - 12V wall plates - 36V "click lock" plugs
& sockets - 36V Porcelain High Current Sockets - North Coast
Gardening, Greenhouse, LED Indoor Garden
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System:
- A Power Test (Fridge draws 430 watts?!?: Oooh!)
- 2 New Solar Panels on a Pole
- Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly Summaries and
Turquoise Energy News #160
covering September 2021 - (posted
October 4th 2021)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Handheld
Bandsaw Mill Kit - Cabin Wall - CNC Router Setup - Plastics &
Shredder - Other Things
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Factors in the Climate - many Smol Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems [no
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Handheld Bandsaw Mill Kit progress
* CNC Router Setup
* Plastic & Plastic Shredder
* Greenhouse, Gardening
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly Summaries and
Turquoise Energy News #159
covering August 2021 - (posted
September 9th 2021)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Ground Effect Vehicle - Peltier Cooler Experiments - Handheld
Bandsaw Mill Kit - Unipolar "Electric Hubcap" Motor New Thought: a
Higher-RPM-Safe Flat Magnet Rotor for Axial Flux? - Cabin Wall
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Institutions of Governance - Smol Thots - ESD
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Preliminary testing of the Ground Effect Vehicle RC model
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Peltier Cooler Experiments: Lower Voltages for Greater Efficiency Etc.
* Handheld Bandsaw Mill Kit progress
* Greenhouse, Gardening
* Attracting a Swarm of Honeybees?
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly Summaries and
Electricity Storage
* Turquoise Battery Project
(NiMnOx-Zn in Mixed Alkali-Salt electrolyte)
There may be No further reports on this subject: Hey, I tamed zinc, and
I even tamed manganese as a negative electrode! Anybody who does
batteries should be able to take it from there!
Turquoise Energy News #158
covering July 2021 - (posted
August 4th 2021)
In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- The Everlasting Zinc Electrode: Why Am I Just
Sitting On the Gold Mine? - Firewood Shed - Vehicle Transmission
Efficiencies - Chevy
Sprint: Forward-Reverse Switch, Bicycle Speedometer - Lithium Ion
Battery Charge Voltage - Solar Installations in Qinghai - Another
Floating Tidal Flow Power Unit
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Food Security: A Constitutional Right to Grow and Trade
Food? - Small
Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Programming for the Ground effect Vehicle RC model
* Chevy Sprint Add-ons: Forward-Reverse Switch, Speedometer,
De-clunking the Motor Mounting
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Off grid infrastructure (T12 sockets deficiency)
* Handheld Bandsaw Mill Kit progress
* Greenhouse, Gardening
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly Summaries and
Electricity Storage
* Turquoise Battery Project
(NiMnOx-Zn in Mixed Alkali-Salt electrolyte)
- poor performance testing continued - Trying to make a one-piece
copper can from copper pipe
Turquoise Energy News #157
covering June 2021 - (posted
July 7th 2021)
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Ultra Efficient Chevy Sprint Revival: Direct Drive to CV
Shaft With 96%
Efficient Reduction Gear - New Motor design -
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Public Committees - Small
Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Making & Driving 96% Efficient Direct "Motor to Planetary
Reduction to CV Shaft Drive"
Chevy Sprint: - Coupling the components - Mounting them - Torque
improvement - Driving (on acreage only) - Conclusions
* Designing "car drive size", unipolar, outrunner, BLDC, "Electric
Hubcap" type motor
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Off grid infrastructure: "Plug-and-Play Solar"
* Greenhouse, Gardening
* Innovative Beekeeping for the BC Coast
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly Summaries and
Estimates (27 months)
Electricity Storage
* Turquoise Battery Project
(NiMnOx-Zn in Mixed Alkali-Salt electrolyte) (No
Turquoise Energy News #156
covering May 2021 - (posted
June 9th 2021)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Roofing Screws the Easy Way! - Ground Effect Craft: Promotion
of the Designs -
Sundry - Plastic Recycling - "Plug & Play?" DC plugs, sockets,
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Tinnitus Treatment - World: Dangerous Phase? - Small
Thots: (Reader/viewer comments under articles; Rudeness and
Intolerance; Toxic Vanilla?) - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems (no reports)
Other "Green"
& Electric Equipment Projects
* Off grid infrastructure: "Plug-and-Play Solar"
* Greenhouse, Gardening, Chickens
* Innovative Beekeeping for the BC Coast
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly Summaries and
Estimates (26 months)
Electricity Storage
* Turquoise Battery Project
(NiMnOx-Zn in Mixed Alkali-Salt electrolyte)
- Assembling C Cell - Tests (ug!) - Drawing Copper Pipes into
C-Cell Cans?
Turquoise Energy News #155
covering April 2021 - (posted
May 6th 2021)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- More Snow! ...then nice weather - Zinc Plating the C Cell -
Sodium Sulfate lead-acid Battery Life Extender - Toyota Echo Plug-in
Hybrid Conversion? - The Low Rolling Resistance Tires - Handheld
Bandsaw Mill Kit - Solar PV: Cheapest Energy Ever - Supercorder
Making Instructions
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Titan's Elliptical Orbit - Auroras of Ganymede - Small
Thots (CoViD again (sigh!) - Hair Loss Recovery) - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Improved Configuration for a 100% Efficient Torque Converter
* Miles Electric Mini-Cargo Truck: Chargers?: Killer Battery
Dischargers! - Shaft balanced, reinstalled
* Toyota Echo Plug-in Hybrid Conversion?
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Handheld Bandsaw Mill Kit
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: -
Annual Summaries and Estimates (2 years) - Daily/Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Monthly Summaries and
Estimates (26 months)
Electricity Storage
* Turquoise Battery Project
(NiMnOx-Zn in Mixed Alkali-Salt electrolyte)
- Zinc Plating Onto Graphite Felt
Turquoise Energy News #154
covering March 2021 - (posted
April 7th 2021)
In "Brief" (Project Summaries etc.)
- Snow - Handheld Bandsaw Mill: Kits? - A New Chevy Sprint EV
Plan - Miles EV Mini Cargo Truck - New Chemie Batteries - Plastic
Recycling - Beehive - Ground Effect Vehicle (R/C model) - More Stuff
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- The Way Forward? Part 2 - Silverware Drainer Mark II - Small
Thots (CoViD) - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* A New Chevy Sprint EV Plan
* Miles electric cargo truck delayed project - Balancing of new shaft
from motor to planetary gearbox - The Other Things
* EV Efficiency: Better Tires -- Lower Rolling Resistance increases EV
* Lawn Tractor Starter Motor Repair
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Handheld Bandmill To Double As Bench-Mounted Shop Bandsaw? -
Commercialization: Kit?
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: -
Solar Production log et cetera
Electricity Storage
* Turquoise Battery Project
(NiMnOx-Zn in Mixed Alkali-Salt electrolyte)
- Making New Cylindrical Cell - Trying to plate Zinc - Drawing
copper cans?
Turquoise Energy News #153
covering February 2021 - (posted
March 2nd 2021)
In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Zincing battery cans - Outbuilding Siding
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Gardening & Chickens - The Way Forward? Part 1 - Small
(Food Sustainability; Progress and Longevity; Local Plastic Recycling)
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems (No reports)
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects (No reports)
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: -
Solar Production log et cetera
* Lithium-ion Battery Peculiarities
Electricity Storage
* Turquoise Battery Project
(NiMnOx-Zn in Mixed Alkali-Salt electrolyte)
- Making New Cylindrical Cell - Trying to plate copper cans with
Turquoise Energy News #152
covering January 2021 - (posted
February 5th 2021)
In "Brief" (Project Summaries etc.)
- Cylindrical New Chemie Batteries - Projects halt again - Solar
& Wind DC Power -
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Death of Democracy? - The Way Forward? - Small Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems (No reports)
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects (No reports)
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: -
Solar Production log et cetera
* Windplant Woes
Electricity Storage
* Turquoise Battery Project
(NiMnOx-Zn in Mixed Alkali-Salt electrolyte)
- New Cylindrical Cell Design Idea: "Eureka!" - Planning
a Cylindrical Cell - Making the Cell's components
Turquoise Energy News #151
covering December 2020 - (posted
January 4th 2021)
In "Brief" (Project Summaries etc.)
- Carport - Lithium Ion Battery Assembly - Mini-T-Plug &
Socket Shells
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- The Coming Years - Tooth Repair Toothpastes - Conspiracy Theory
- Small Thots (lots on CoViD and Ivermectin) - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Ground Effect Vehicle R/C Model: Thrust and Steering: thrust
and programming; wiring - Battery Balance Charger
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* 12 Volt Mini-T-Plug & Socket Shells
* Lithium Ion Battery Stacks
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: -
Solar Production log et cetera
Electricity Storage
* Turquoise Battery Project
(NiMnOx-Zn in Mixed Alkali-Salt electrolyte) - No
Turquoise Energy News #150
covering November 2020 - (posted
December 4th 2020)
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Carport - A renter comes and goes
- Lithium Ion Battery Assembly - Small 12V COB
LED Panel Light - Mini T-Plug Shells - Misrepresentations about
renewable energy: Discernment
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- USA: Corrupted Processes and the Need to Evolve Democracy - Efficacy
of Ivermectin for treating CoViD-19 (This pandemic should be HISTORY!)
- Chickens & Gardening - Small Thots (Carbonated Beverages and
Tooth Decay - Gold Confiscation?) - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Just the start of a writeup on Ground Effect Craft ducted fan controls
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Small 3D Printed 12V COB LED Panel Light
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: -
Solar Production log et cetera - Notes: Cloudiest weather ever.
Electricity Storage
* Turquoise Battery Project
(NiMnOx-Zn in Mixed Alkali-Salt electrolyte) - No
* Assembling my LG 120 AH Lithium Ion Cells Into 36V 'Stack' - Some
thoughts on those
Turquoise Energy News #149
covering October 2020 - (posted
November 5th 2020)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Ground Effect Vehicle motor controls - A Tesla Motors Secret
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- "Remedies Ratings" Website to Find the Best Cures? - Eye Floaters
Teatment? - Gardening and Chickens - Small Thots: Freedom of Speech;
Coronavirus insanity; Ice Melt Effects; etc. - ESD: an eventful
military carreer; etc
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Ground Effect Vehicle - motor-steering control circuits (oops)
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* "T-Plug-12V" Connector System
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: -
Solar Production log et cetera - Notes.
Electricity Storage
* Turquoise Battery Project
(NiMnOx-Zn in Mixed Alkali-Salt electrolyte) - No
Turquoise Energy News #148
covering September 2020 - (posted
October 10th 2020)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Wall construction
- "Mini T-Plug" Connectors for 12 volts - Li-Po Cells - A 3D
Printed 12V LED "COB" Light - Ground Effect Craft model: Motor/Battery
Tests & Where is the time going? - Nissan Leaf replacement batteries
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Eliminating Skin Moles: It Works! -
Explanation For Those Nasty California Fires - Gardening and Chickens -
Small Thots (Calendar idiosyncrasies, Needless CoViD woes, Palestine) -
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Ground Effect Vehicle (1/4 scale model)
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects - No Reports
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: -
Solar Production log et cetera - Notes.
Electricity Storage
* Turquoise Battery Project
(NiMnOx-Zn in Mixed Alkali-Salt electrolyte) - No
Turquoise Energy News #147
covering August 2020 - (posted
September 21st 2020)
In "Brief" (Project Summaries etc.)
- CAT, HAT and "T-Plug" Connectors - Low Voltage Shocks?!? -
Winston/Thundersky Batteries: Tight strapping and Failures? - The New
Lithium-Ion 3.7V Batteries - Culvert Hydro? - A 12V LED Light
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Cure for COVID19 (Why does nobody seem to care?) - Telling
Fake News from Real News -
Gardening and Chickens - Small Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Miles Mini Cargo Truck - Shaft works but vibrates
* Ground Effect Vehicle - working on the model: Sigh, battery &
Control issues!
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* "T-Plug-12V" Connector System Replaces "CAT-12V" System
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: -
Solar Production log et cetera - Notes.
Electricity Storage
* Turquoise Battery Project
(NiMnOx-Zn in Mixed Alkali-Salt electrolyte) - No
Turquoise Energy News #146
covering July 2020 - (posted
September 12th 2020)
In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- 100 amp-hour LG Lithium Ion Batteries
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Gardening and Chickens [with Sept. addendum] - Population and
Pandemics - Small Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Miles Truck: 5:1 Planetary Gear replacing 40 pound transmission (Why
isn't this finished?)
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Better CAT 12V Equipment [all rendered obsolete at end of August -
"T-Plugs" next issue #147]
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: -
Solar Production log et cetera - Notes.
Electricity Storage
* Turquoise Battery Project
(NiMnOx-Zn in Mixed Alkali-Salt electrolyte) - No
Turquoise Energy News #145
covering June 2020 - (posted
September 6th 2020)
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Bugs Ugh! - Building a Wall - Ground Effect Craft: a little
more work - Lithium Battery Charging - A Thought about Open Loop Air
Heat Pumping
(OLAHP) - Electric Transport Infrastructure is Improving -
Compressed Air Locomotives
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Gardening and Chickens - Bug Bite Rash - Food, Economic, Population
and Disease Woes "Medley" - Wall Building Pictures - Small Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Miles Truck: 5:1 Planetary Gear replacing 40 pound transmission (Why
isn't this finished?)
* 'Electric Hubcap' Unipolar Motors: "Outrunner" Radial Flux Design?
* Ground Effect Vehicle - working on the model: Sigh, battery issues!
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects - No Reports
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System:
- New Panel Connected & Heavier, Shorter Wire improvement -
Solar Production log et cetera - Notes.
Electricity Storage
* Turquoise Battery Project
(NiMnOx-Zn in Mixed Alkali-Salt electrolyte) - No
Turquoise Energy News #144
covering May 2020 - (posted
June 4th 2020)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Attributions - Bugs and More Gardening - Miles Mini Cargo Truck
- OLAHP: Open Loop Air Heat Pumping
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Dimetrodon & Edaphosarus Finally Explained: Aquatic swimmers! -
Gardening and Chickens - Seaweed Shredder? - Small Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Miles Truck: 5:1 Planetary Gear replaces 40 pound transmission, much
improves performance
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Very High COP Open Loop Air Heat Pumping
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: -
Solar Production log et cetera - Notes.
Electricity Storage
* Turquoise Battery Project
(NiMnOx-Zn in Mixed Alkali-Salt electrolyte) - No
* Miles mini cargo truck battery restoration
* Set of 144 Lithium Cylinder Cells (recovery of some cells)
Turquoise Energy News #143
covering April 2020 - (posted
May 3rd 2020)
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Gardening: Window Greenhouse - Chicken Sled - Compressor Design
Open Loop Air Heat Pumping - Miles Battery Resore - Ground Effect
Vehicle Batteries
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Gardening & Chickens - Gingko (or Ginkgo) Biloba for Better
Memory - Small Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Lawn Tractor as "Rototiller"? - The "Rototiller" Idea - What
Really Happened - Electric Conversion Kit Arrival
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Very High COP Open Loop Air Heat Pumping - Means for
Improvement? - A Little Theory - Rotary "Bellows" Heat Pump Air
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - New piece of solar equipment =
Solar Production log et cetera - Notes.
Electricity Storage
* Turquoise Battery Project
(NiMnOx-Zn in Mixed Alkali-Salt electrolyte) - No
* Miles mini cargo truck battery restoration
Turquoise Energy News #142
covering March 2020 - (posted
April 6th 2020)
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Open Loop Air Heat Pumping - Better Peltier Modules for Solid
State Heat Pumping? - Lawn Tractor Electric Conversion
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Catastrophes Galore (and gardening) - Curing Eye Floaters with
Pineapple?: Bromeliads, Bromelaine - Small Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Lawn Tractor as "Rototiller"?
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Very High COP Open Loop Air Heat Pumping -
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Notes.
* Stirling Engine Electric Generator with Hot Water Solar Energy
Storage? (Concept)
Electricity Storage
* Turquoise Battery Project
(NiMnOx-Zn in Mixed Alkali-Salt electrolyte)
- New Case, 3D Printed from PVB - Base for electrode Compactor
Turquoise Energy News #141
covering February 2020 - (posted
March 7th 2020)
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Carrying Heat Uphill: A way to look at heat pumping - Open Loop
Air Heat Pumping Experiments - Another Higher COP Device -
Nickel-manganate/Zinc Battery
Developments - High Efficiency Titanium Dioxide Solar Cells and
"Pebble" Surface Cover Glass - NiMH D Cell Refill
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Permian Period Amphibian Evolution (continued) -
Small Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems (No Reports)
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* End of the Solar Hot Water Tank (the mineral rich water stank) - Hot
Water Tank Protective Anodes
* Very High COP Open Loop Air Heat Pumping - With Water Cooler
- Means for Improvement? - New Heating Unit - Compressors Today Are Not
Made For Air Heat Pumping (& compressor design ideas) - Value of
the outdoor heat exchanger - Install & test of that - A Better Way
to join PVC Pipes to Copper Pipes (no pipe fittings) - The
Grand Potential - Additional Heat Pumping/Air Compressing Info Gleaned
From Web
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Notes. - Analysis of a Whole
Year's Figures
Electricity Storage
* Turquoise Battery Project
(NiMnOx-Zn in Mixed Alkaline Salt electrolyte)
- Powder Electrodes Conductivity - Solid Porous Electrode
Briquettes; Plaster - Some theory/ideas - 50x50mm Electrode Compactor -
tests - Cylindrical Cells? - Okay, How About Flat With "Rebars"? -
Cupro-Nickel Current Collector
Turquoise Energy News #140
covering January 2020 - (posted
February 8th 2020)
* Open Loop, Free Air Heat Pumping: COP > 10? - or: How to
Heat a
Building Really, Really
Cheap! (see: Month in Brief, Other Projects)
* 12 Years of Green Energy Projects in Review (see "In Passing")
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Brr!
- Free Air Heat Pumping - Theory - Heat Pumping Experiments - Meanwhile
in Other News - Bringing a Dead NiMH Battery Back to Life
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Von Braun and the Apollo Moon Landing Project - 12 Years of
Energy Projects in Review - Reversing Desertification - Small Thots:
Columnating out-of-line binoculars, Hair mites, Earth heat... - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems (No Reports)
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* HAT & CAT Plugs & Sockets
* Very High COP Open Air Heat Pumping
- Cooling - Heat Pump Heating - Some Simple Tests - Experiments -
Copper Pipe, Soldered Copper Fins - A Test - More Compressed Air Piping
and Test 2 - Outer Ducting and Test 3 - Building-to-Outdoor Heat
Exchanger and Tests #4 - Michelin Air Compressor Tests - Air Compressor
Noise Solutions? - Custom Air Pumps? - Refrigerator Air Pump
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Notes. (December & January:
trivial power output!)
* "Carmichael's
Woodstove Engine" (& generator) -- Called off for now for
greener pastures & easier projects.
* An Experiment: Woodstove Electricity with Thermoelectric
Electricity Storage
* Turquoise Battery Project
(Mn-Zn or Ni-Zn in Mixed Alkaline Salt electrolyte)
- Thinner copper current collector - nickel electrode - pure zinc
electrode - Nickel-manganates Again - Low Currents - Back to Graphite
Felt? - Chemistry seems fine but Mushy Electrodes Don't Conduct Well
Turquoise Energy News #139
covering December 2019 - (posted
January 5th 2020)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- 12/36 Volt DC CAT/HAT plugs and sockets - Woodstove Steam Engine
Generator - Power outage and running 230 V well pump on an inverter -
Effect Vehicle - New Chemie Batteries - A Solar Kayak
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Hair Loss: the Demodex Folliculorum Mite / Helpful
Methods for Keeping (& Restoring?) Hair - Social and
Evolution - Small Thots: "5G"≠"5 GHz", Supercorder, Nuclear waste -
Disaffected Generation - How food shortages anywhere become a global
problem - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Ground Effect Vehicle (Still the Prototype 1/4 scale R/C
Model... continued)
* EV Transmissions: 5 to 1 planetary gear for the Miles
electric cargo truck
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* HAT & CAT Plugs & Sockets
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Notes.
* Woodstove Stirling Engine "Carmichael's
Woodstove Engine" (& generator)
- Rapid design metamorphosis - Design Arrival: A "Closed Cycle
Steam Engine"
- Noted in passing: Woodstove or Stirling Engine as a potentially
very high COP Refrigerator or Heat
Electricity Storage
* Turquoise Battery Project
(Mn-Zn or Ni-Zn in Mixed Alkaline Salt electrolyte)
- "layed down" flat case - Gold electroplating copper current collector
- Natural Resources
Canada's Charge The Future Battery Challenge Rejection Notice
Turquoise Energy News #138
covering November 2019 - (posted
December 2nd 2019)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- 12/36 Volt DC Infrastructure - WIFI/5G Countermeasures - Ground
Effect Vehicle - 100% Efficient Infinitely Variable Torque Converter -
Woodstove Stirling Steam Engine Generator - New Chemie Batteries
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Gardening - Winter Cabbage, Sugar Beets - Hearing Improvement Further
Notes - 5G Countermeasures: Biologically Harmful - Small Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Ground Effect Vehicle (Still Prototype R/C Model... continued)
* EV Transmissions: 100% efficient infinitely variable torque
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Working with the Handheld Bandsaw Mill (& Alaska Mill)
Electricity Generation
* 5 Blade Windplant - Windplant Ducts
- Clarkson University Experiments with Windplant Ducts
* My Solar Power System: - Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Notes.
* Woodstove Alternator with Stirling Steam Engine?
Electricity Storage
* Turquoise
(Mn-Zn or Ni-Zn in Mixed Alkaline Salt electrolyte)
Turquoise Energy News #137
covering October 2019 - (posted
November 5th 2019)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- House - New Chemie Batteries - Ground Effect Vehicle - Two Lithium
Battery Charger Circuits; AC and DC Sources - Internet! - Planetary
Gears!: Miles Truck & Chevy Sprint
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Gardening, Growing Barley, Processing Grains into Flour With
Common Kitchen Appliances - Hair Preservation with Recap - Continuing
Fatal Financial Flops - Small Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Ground Effect Vehicle (R/C Model)
- Ultimate Key to Longitudinal Stability and Pitch Control: a Canard -
Modern Fabrics and Paints
* EV Transmissions: Off-the-Shelf Planetary Gears, More. (Miles
Truck & Chevy Sprint)
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Working with the Handheld Bandsaw Mill (& Alaska Mill)
Electricity Generation
* 5 Blade Windplant
* My Solar Power System: - Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - 8 months! Notes.
Electricity Storage
Turquoise Battery
(Mn-Zn or Ni-Zn in Mixed Alkaline Salt electrolyte)
* Electrolyte to Depassivate Discharged Manganese Oxides? - Air Leaks?
- Bleach - Nickel Oxides Electrode - Making NiOOH - Better Technique -
Paste Electrodes? - 3D Printer Insulated Surround
-- Other Battery Related Projects --
* Honda NiMH Hybrid Car Batteries (installed in solar system)
* Two Lithium Battery Charger Circuits: for AC and DC Power
Turquoise Energy News #136
covering September 2019 - (posted
October 3rd 2019)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- More Battery Experiments - Handheld Bandmill, Milling Lumber -
Polyurethane Paint on Polypropylene Cloth: Modern version of cellulose
dope on canvas for aircraft? - Five Blade Windplant
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Hearing Improvement? - Fatal Financial Flops - Insane Acts: a Hint of
Twisted Rational Purpose? - Small Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Ground Effect Vehicle (R/C Model)
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Working with the Handheld Bandsaw Mill (& Alaska Mill)
Electricity Generation
* 5 Blade Windplant
* My Solar Power System: - Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Six month summary, notes.
Electricity Storage
Turquoise Battery Project (Mn-Zn or Ni-Zn in mixed electrolyte ?)
Nickel Manganates Electrode Toasting - Backing Up: What Works? -
Experiment #1 - Printing An ABS Electrode Shell - Experiment #2: Nickel
NiOOH electrode - Extracting MnO2 from old dry cells - Experiment #3:
Jelled MnO2 - New Electrode Compactor, Punch and Die - Sewing Carbon
Fiber Cloth - The Electrode - 3D Printed Battery Cases (Deja Vue?) -
Compactor Die Slit for Graphite Foil Terminal Tab - MnO2 Electrode with
Loose Carbon Fibers - Painted Zinc Electrode - A Better MnO2 Current
Collector: Conductive Graphite Painted Copper Fingers - It's a Product!
- Cell with Graphite Coated Copper Current Collector (canceled) -Second
Cell with Calcium Oxide instead: Assembly & Testing
Turquoise Energy News #135
covering August 2019 - (posted
September 7th 2019)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- "Charge the Future" Challenge
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Third Stage Democracy
- Truth and Truthfulness - The Epstein Saga - Rational and Irrational
Numbers 10-99 - Small Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Ground Effect Vehicle ("GEV")
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
Some more Handheld Bandsaw Sawmill Notes
Electricity Generation
* Wind Power: 5 Blade Windplants Better Than 3?
* My Solar Power System: - Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera - Six month summary, notes.
Electricity Storage
Turquoise Battery Project (Mn-Zn or Ni-Zn in Potassium
Hydroxide electrolyte ?)
*Re-agaring the zinc electrode - More Research Needed - The real reason
all my NiMn cells had high self discharge - Painting Parts of
Electrodes to Prevent Gas Generation - Making Nickel-Manganates '+'
Electrode - Tentative Procedure for Making Positive Electrode (Aug 22nd
2019) - "Kneader Reactor" - FWIW: Cupro-Nickel as Alkaline "+" Current
Collector -
Electrode Powders Compactor: Pneumatic-Hydraulic Bottle Jack -
Commercialization and the "Charge the Future Challenge"
Turquoise Energy News #134
covering July 2019 - (posted
August 5th 2019)
Feature: Batteries: "Everlasting" Zinc Electrodes! √
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- All the Answers at Once! - Picking Up Steam -
CNC Table - More Things - The Covered Wagon (solar E-Bike) -
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Stop Colds Fast with OJ - Homegrown, Homemade Quinoa Flour Bread:
Mmm! -
Another Hair Loss Preventative - Small Thots - ESD
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Ground Effect Vehicle ("GEV") - only slight progress as usual - wing
and stability
- Testing Ducted Fans, Radio and Motor Controllers -
Revised Ducted Fan
positions: Outboard, in line with wing
* More Unipolar BLDC Motor and Motor Controller Ideas - ? Turns per
coil - Sizing
- Permanent Magnet Assist, Magnet Fitting - Tuned Circuit
Coil Drive - Rotor Design - Figuring Out Activation Sequences
* More Variable Torque Converter Ideas
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* 36 Volt DC Wiring & Infrastructure
Some Handheld Bandsaw Sawmill Notes - Update
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System: - "Floating" Panel Voltage Grid Tie -
Combining More Panels on One Grid Tie or Charge Controller? - east-west
facing panels - Monthly
Solar Production log et cetera
Electricity Storage -
* Dried Out(?) NiMH Dry Cells
Turquoise Battery Project (Mn-Zn or Ni-Zn in Potassium
Hydroxide electrolyte ?)
* Non Dendrite-forming Nickel-Zinc Cells:
- Cost comparison and estimate - Preparing a Zinc Alkaline
Electrode - Electroplating - Egg
Albumen Coating - Assembly and testing - Antimony Sulfide or Zirconium
Silicate? - 14th - Duck Eggs - Electroplating Rack - A Positive
Electrode - Parchment Paper Separator - 3D Printed Positive Electrode
Shells - Ethaline Deep Eutectic Solvent (DES) - Ethaline Electrode Jell
for Zinc? (nope) - Agar Jell (seems to work, including in KOH, but low
currents) - Getting Current - Osmium Doped Film Again + Agar? - Apparently
Electrode! - Microcontroller for Cycle Tests and Cycling Cells? -
How Many Ni-Zn Cells for 12 Volt Battery? (Seven.) - Positive
Electrodes and 3D Printers
Turquoise Energy News #133
covering June 2019 - (posted
July 3rd 2019)
Feature: "No Dendrites!" Coated Zinc
Electrodes for
Long Life
Nickel-Zinc or Manganese-Zinc Batteries
(See Month in Brief, Electricity Storage)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- "New chemistry" battery Breakthough and Progress - Beaten to
it!: an "Ultra Efficient" Electric Car! - the Lightyear - Workable
Unipolar BLDC Motor Concepts (at long last)! - Better Variable
Transmission Concept
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- World Unity - Witch Hazel & Red Spots - "Rivers from the
Sky"? - ESD... egg whites for burns?
- Detailed
Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Ground Effect Vehicle ("GEV") (scant progress)
* More Unipolar BLDC Motor Ideas
* Jim Harrington's Latest Electric Outboard Motor
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* 36 Volt DC Wiring & Infrastructure
* Laser Engraver
Electricity Generation
* Solar Car Charging Trailer(!)
* My Solar Power System: Monthly Solar Production log et cetera
Electricity Storage -
Turquoise Battery
Project (Mn-Zn, Ni-Zn or Pb-Zn in Methyl
Hydroxide electrolyte)
* Electrode "Pocket" with Nafion Ion-Selective Membrane Face - What
Next? - Making Barium Hydroxide? - Nafion Delamination -
Film-On-Electrode? - Lead doesn't work in alkali! - Nickel-Zinc in KOH
- Some Conclusions... and some Dissolved Oxygen? - Nafion Versus Osmium
Doped Film - The Filmed Zinc Electrode - Next: jelling the electrode...
egg albumen?
Turquoise Energy News #132
covering May 2019 - (posted
June 3rd 2019)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Lower Power Hot Water Tanks - Under Kitchen Sink Solar Hot
Water Tank - Air Injection Iron Filter - Pipe Battery Assembly
Improvement - Biggest Mistake in Solar: Not Going Solar? - Batteries
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- More on Time Zones - The Weather and The Corn - American Armyworm Invades China - The Sudden Drop in the US Crime
Rate: Many Misattributions and the Real Reason - ESD [Eccentric
Silliness Dept.]
- Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Ground Effect Vehicle: Multiple Ducted Fans? - Selecting
Ducted Fans for the RC model
* Seen on youtube: a very large Fully Electric Ferry and a Solar
Electric Passenger Train.
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* "Off Grid" (etc) 36 volt DC Infrastructure
- HAT clay socket - "DIY" Blades for High Power HAT36V-50A Plugs? -
Kitchen Solar Hot Water Tank: Plumbing & Wiring (Yay, instant hot
water!) - Solar Hot Water Panel(s) Versus Solar-Electric Water Heating
- Badderies - Fried Charge Controller- Oops - Charge Controller
Electricity Generation
* [In?]Efficiency of 1000 Watt Y-Solar Microinverters - More solar
trivia - Lots of cloudy days make for low power generation - Miles
truck charge controller goes berserk, doubles house power usage for
10(?) days (see May 25th) - Extra Solar Panel on Lawn ups production
* Beach-Launched Tide Power: the Beach
* Off Grid Solar Installation for a neighbor
Electricity Storage -
Turquoise Battery
Project (Mn-Zn, Ni-Zn or Pb-Zn in Methyl
Hydroxide electrolyte)
* Electrode "Pocket" with Nafion Ion-Selective Membrane Face
* "Mounting" NiMH D cell Tube Batteries
Turquoise Energy News #131
covering April 2019 - (posted
May 6th 2019)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Greenhouse and Garden - HAT36V-50A Plugs and Sockets - The Last
of the Month - Shingles! - Chemical-Free Iron Filter for Domestic Water
- Solar PV Hot Water Heating - To make the Main Hot Water Tank Grid
Solar - Turned the hot water tank to 1/4 power - Tugboat Solar Panels
- Ground Effect Craft (R/C Model) - Tesla 3 versus 2019 Nissan Leaf
(video) - Cigarette Lighter: 120/240 Volts AC Power From Any Electric
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Hearing Improvement - Shingles - The Weather - ESD
- Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Ground Effect Vehicle (R/C Model): Snail's pace but moving
* Car Charging Mystery Solved: There is no such thing as a 3 KW
charging station (they're 4 KW!)
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* "Off Grid" (etc) 36 volt DC Infrastructure
* High Current HAT - 50 Amp Plugs & Sockets
* Today's AC Wire Color Conventions NEED TO BE CHANGED! and
unified with DC conventions
* Solar Water Heating: 36 volt water heater elements
* Hybrid system?
* Regular Hot Water Tank as Combo Solar 'preheat' and Grid Water Heater
* Chemical Free Iron Filters for (eg) Well Water
* Need for voltage controlled operation... & Components for that
* "Custom" Heatsinks for LED Lighting
* DC to DC Down Converters to run 12-24 Volt Equipment From 36 Volts
Electricity Generation
* Another month (April) of solar collector performance logging
* Another palette of solar panels ordered - watts, efficiency are still
creeping up: 315 W.
Electricity Storage -
Turquoise Battery
Project (Mn-Zn, Ni-Zn or Pb-Zn in Methyl
Hydroxide electrolyte)
* Nafion & Osmium Doped Acetaldehyde film Notes
* The Continuing Saga of the NiMH Dry Cells Car Starting Battery (a
repair and it still works great! - 7-1/2 years old now)
Turquoise Energy News #130
covering March 2019 - (posted
April 5th 2019)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Finishing the solar PV system infrastructure - 36 volt HAT
Plugs, sockets, wall plates and driving any lower voltage appliances
from 36 volts - Thermal Pane Window disassembly & glass cleaning -
Gardening and greenhouse.
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- The Value of Social
- Self, Other and Together
Interest - Climate Disasters, Chapter One - On and Off Beefs - More on
Recycling Plastics into Valuable
Products, Recycled Transparent Plastic for Greenhouses? - ESD
- Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Ground Effect Vehicle (R/C Model): Beginnings
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* "Off Grid" (etc): 38 (33-45) Volt DC "HAT" Plugs & Sockets ...and
other 40 volt components.
- Instructions for making plugs, sockets, wall
plates (with 3D printer) - Revised HAT plugs and sockets - Wall Triple
Outlet & Cover - 36-40 V DC System Breaker Box - Special Duplex
Outlet with Switch - Hole Caps and Glands with 3D printer - Power
Monitor - Anderson
Connectors (70 Amp) - More Wall Plates - Weak NiMH Battery Repairs
* Disassembly and Cleaning of Thermal Glass
- Disassembly: "Success by 1000 Cuts" - Cleaning: Magic Baking
Electricity Generation
* My Solar Power System - Crappy Alligator Clips! - Energy collection
readings for March - Winter Solar Panel Reflectors? - All the Angles -
Power Outage Power From Grid Tie Inverters? - For America to go 100%
Electricity Storage -
Turquoise Battery
Project (Mn-Zn, Ni-Zn or Pb-Zn in Methyl
Hydroxide electrolyte) (no reports)
Turquoise Energy News #129
covering February 2019 - (posted
March 3rd 2019)
Report: The Second Industrial Revolution:
Exciting New Machines for Local and Home Manufacturing
(Report follows "In Passing")
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Better LED Lighting - Expanding My Solar Systems - Solar
Electric Hot Water Experiments - HAT 36-40 Volt Plugs and Sockets - New
3D Printer - Amazing New
Production Machines - My CNC Router... and Plasma Cutter - Tidal &
Wind power notes -
Ground Effect Vehicle
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Oceans Tell of Global Warming
- Jet Streams & Global Circulation Patterns - Recycling Plastic
(Eccentric Silliness Dept.)
- Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Ground Effect Vehicle (not a lot to say)
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* "Off Grid" (etc): 36-40 Volt "HAT" Plugs & Sockets - New 3D
* New 3D Printer: Anycubic I3 Mega
* Better LED Lighting & Plant/Grow Lighting
* CNC Router & Plasma Cutter
Electricity Generation
* Further Expanding my Solar System - How many watts are those panels,
again? Never full nameplate
power: 75% seems to be a practical figure - Panel Efficacy: Crap in
winter as expected - Still More Solar Panels - and Monitoring Output.
* Solar Hot Water Panels: simpler to make than ever
Electricity Storage -
Turquoise Battery
Project (Mn-Zn, Ni-Zn or Pb-Zn in Oxalate Methyl
Hydroxide electrolyte)
* Thinking of Options with Nafion Membranes (no actual project work)
Turquoise Energy News #128
covering January 2019 - (posted
February 1st 2019)
Month In
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Battery Project - When EV's were "Killed" - Carmichael Mill -
Lumber Cutting - Ground Effect Vehicle Improvement? - Expanding my
Solar Power System - NO Tidal Power project
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- World's Most Costly Garbage Pickup Service? - Sardine Tins and
Bathtub Designs - Clinton & the "Deep State" - Why They
REALLY DON'T Want the US-Mexico Border Wall - Yellowstone
Volcano: ready, set, ...? - Coming Collapse:
Contempt & Disdain - Cryptocurrency Exchange Failure? - ESD
(Eccentric Silliness Dept.)
- Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Ground Effect Vehicle - New wing profile & restart of design -
Trying out RC components
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Carmichael Mill ("Bandsaw Alaska Mill")
* Mining Beach Sand?
Electricity Generation
* Expanding My Solar Power System - grid ties - 36 volt DC LED lights -
Solar Hot Water? - Batery consreving controls? - Putting up some of the
New Solar PV Panels
* Magnetic Flipping HE Ray Energy?
* Woodstove Thermoelectric Generators (TEGs) (Didn't get very far...)
Electricity Storage -
Turquoise Battery
Project (Mn-Zn, Ni-Zn or Pb-Zn in Oxalate Methyl
Hydroxide electrolyte)
* Experiments mostly with Mn-Zn... - Attempts by Others to use Zinc -
Oxalate Electrolyte or Not? - Lead-Zinc in Oxalate (with commercial
lead oxide electrode plates) Again (Jan 9th - Aborted) - Totally Common
Ingredients!?! New Mn-Zn Cell With Very Weak Potassium Hydroxide - Was
it the Water? - Thicker KOH Electrolyte: Finding Solutions - Sodium
Oxalate - Alcohol: Methyl Hydroxide - Proton Membranes
Turquoise Energy News #127
covering December 2018 - (posted
January 7th 2019)
In Brief
(Project Summaries etc.)
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- No Clean Air Anywhere - Hybrid Potatoes? - Yikes! More California
Fire Stories? - Wonder Weather - BC
Referendum on Proportional Representation Results - ESD
- Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems (no reports)
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Carmichael Mill Handheld Bandmill (more operating than building this
time) - Bonus Tip: stack excess firewood under a tree to dry
Electricity Generation
* Solar: Storage & Going Off-Grid, CAT & HAT plugs &
sockets - Real Life "Off-Grid" Tests during power failure
* Magnetic Flipping HE Ray Energy? - Dual Frequency Pulses - more tests
and trials
Electricity Storage -
Turquoise Battery
Project (Mn-Zn, Ni-Zn or Pb-Zn in Oxalate electrolyte)
* Ugh! Zinc hydride!
* Problems charging oxalate - JUST calcium hydroxide as electrolyte?
Turquoise Energy News #126
covering November 2018 - (posted
December 3rd 2018)
In Brief
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Milling Trouble - New Chemie Batteries - A Better conductive
Paint - Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Etc.
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- America at the Crossroads: Restart and Fresh Progress, or a New
"Proportional Representation" and the Third Stage of Democracy - The
Exponential Function & Global Growth - More California Fire
Oddities - Qualifying to Run for Office - CIA: Rogue from Day One -
Coffee Roasting - "ESD" etc.
- Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Just a bit of work on the reluctance motor
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Carmichael Mill Handheld Bandmill (more operating than building this
time) - Bonus Tip: stack firewood under a tree to dry
* Recycling Scrap HDPE (or UHMW or PP?) Into Useful- (millable) Shapes
- plus: Who needs to Have a Kitchen Stove?
Electricity Generation
* VAWT Designs: A bewildering variety of blades, vanes, shapes and
designs. What's really best?
* Magnetic Flipping HE Ray Energy?
* A Water Wheel Hydro Power Project
Electricity Storage -
Turquoise Battery
Project (Mn-Zn, Ni-Zn or Pb-Zn in Oxalate electrolyte)
* Conductive Polyurethane Paint: Painted Copper MnO2 Pocket Electrode -
New MnO2-Zn
cell tests
Turquoise Energy News #125
covering October 2018 - (posted
November 3rd 2018)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Solar Rewiring - HE Ray Energy - Bandmill Improvements &
More Milling - VAWT
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Putting up the Beveled Siding - Home Milk Pasteurizing -
Foot Corns - The Moral Dilemma of Uninvited Migrants - Be Prepared for
Economic Trouble - A Minor Service Sector?: the Average
Financial Salary in New York 431,000 $US - Orange and Red Peppers from
the Greenhouse & Indoors - Metric System Length
Problem: the real reason English/Imperial measures are better - Black
Flamingo Event
- Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Electricity is cheaper than gas - but it does go on your home power
bill (duh!)
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Carmichael Mill ("Handheld Bandsaw Alaska Mill") - Band
Sharpener - New Bands, Cutting & More & More Cutting -
UHMW Main Wheels & more cutting - Production Model Design?: As is!
- Sell the special components as Kits!
Electricity Generation
* How Not to Build a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) - Initial
Theories - Construction and Testing
* Solar Panel Rewiring
* Tidal Flow Power Unit: Cheaper, Better! - Cheap Floating Power
Vessel Hulls? - Ducted Fans and Venturies
* Short Space Ray Energy: a new design?
Electricity Storage -
Turquoise Battery
Project (Now Mn-Zn, Ni-Zn or Pb-Zn)
* Another idea for a Conductive Graphite Material?: Conductive
Polyurethane Paint
Turquoise Energy News #124
covering September 2018 - (posted
October 6th 2018)
Highlight: "Improved 2 KW" ultra-efficient Piggott
Generator built and works great!
Month in Brief, Electricity Generation)
In Brief
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Milling - Nails - Water Pump - Ordered 305 W solar panels -
Piggott Generator - Sprint 36 V car charging - Swiilawiid
Sustainability Society Symposium - Energy Co-op for Tidal Power?
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- HOW Much Money?!? - Monsanto Sellouts: Justice Served?
- Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Solar Battery Charging for the Electric Chevy Sprint and Miles Cargo
Van - a better plan
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Carmichael Mill ("Handheld Bandsaw Alaska Mill") - Milling
Alder - Spruce: Nails - Automatic Band Sharpener - 1295 $?
Electricity Generation
Improved Piggott Axial Flux PM (permanent magnet) Generator - magnet
rotors - coil winding - case - assembly - testing - What to use it for?
- VAWT, Tidal Experiments - Saving Mixed Epoxy for Later - commercial
prospects: 1295 $.
* A very small hydro project using Sprint car alternator I converted to
PM generator in 2016
* Tidal Power Project: 100 KW Floating Tidal Power Vessel - Smaller
Propellers in Venturis? - Self Steering to Optimum Position in Stream,
collision avoidance, "return to shore" for maintenance
Electricity Storage -
Turquoise Battery
Project (Now Mn-Zn, Ni-Zn or Pb-Zn)
* Manganese-Zinc Cell
Turquoise Energy News #123
covering August 2018 - (posted
September 4th 2018)
Highlight: Carmichael Mill cuts beautiful, straight
lumber with little waste sawdust (see Month in Brief, Other Green"
In Brief
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Concert - Swiilawiid Sustainability Society talk? - Carmichael
mill - Batteries - Reluctance motor -
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Electromagnetic Induction Arson: Burning the world!
- "By Prescription Only": Overregulation is Causing Shorter,
Less Healthy
- Democracy Denied in California - South Africa: White
want to flee en-masse to Russia - More Hypocrisy from the Main Stream
Media (MSM) & Extension of Censorship - Big Oil Subsidies -
Changing Language... All well and good (unwell attempted humor)
- Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Jim Harrington's 2.5 HP Electric Outboard
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Carmichael Mill ("Handheld Bandsaw Alaska Mill")
- Various improvements and changes, blah blah blah - Finally:
Good Results! - Dulling Bands
Electricity Generation
Solar Panels
* Tidal Power Project on Tlell River?
* Scot Power Floating Tidal Power Vessel: 3 GWH in first year!
Electricity Storage -
Turquoise Battery
Project (Now Mn-Zn, Ni-Zn or Pb-Zn)
* Lead-Zinc Cell From Scratch With Rolled-up Sheet Metal Electrodes (as
made it was a flop)
Turquoise Energy News #122
covering July 2018 - (posted
August 4th 2018)
Bandmill Design Breakthrough: Self-Adjusting Band Guides for reliable
straight cutting
In Brief
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Scenery! - Batteries - Solar - Reluctance Motor - Development
Centers - Bandmill breakthrough
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Election Reform: Corrupting Influence - Keeping/Restoring Your Hair -
A Hydrocortisone Cream Healing -
Bad Grammar: "Mine" versus "Yours" - Peace Between USA and Russia -
Quinoa as an emergency food grain? &
Gardening - Birth Control: Helping Ourselves by Helping Underdeveloped
Countries -
South Africa: No genocide after all? - More on Bankers Creating the
Money Supply, by a banker - What is News? - Double Agent Strzok
- Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
Revisiting Reluctance Motors and Unipolar Motor Controllers -
Considering the 2015 AFSRM Motors &
Studies - Note: Current density - First project: Back to the old Motor,
with new "Rotor Poles"
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Carmichael Mill ("Handheld Bandsaw Alaska Mill")
- "Front Pivot" Self Correcting Band Guides - blade protector -
Conclusions (in short: yes, it works!)
Electricity Generation
Solar Panels Installation - nasty cable run job - Grid Tie Inverter:
NOT as advertised! - - - Synchronous
Electricity Storage -
Turquoise Battery
Project (Now Mn-Zn, Ni-Zn or Pb-Zn)
* Mn-Zn rechargeable 50/75 amp-hour cell with ABS sheet plastic case
(1.5" t x 3.25" w x 5.75" h)
* Pocket Electrodes: Perforating Sheet Metal with a "Bed of Nails"
* Lead-Zinc Cell From Scratch With Rolled-up Sheet Metal Electrodes
(not finished)
Turquoise Energy News #121
covering June 2018 - (posted
July 3rd 2018)
* Stable Zinc Electrodes, The "Holy Grail" of battery making...
hundreds have tried and (more or less) failed: Grail TAKEN by new
(See Month in Brief,
Electricity Storage)
* New Bandsaw Mill Concept: Self-Correcting Band Angle always cuts
straight! (See Month in Brief, Other "Green"
In Brief
(Project Summaries etc.) - Band mill - Band - Batteries! -
"Electrafest":Portable 6 KW J1772 EV charger
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Battery Commercializations?...Useless SDTC Again-Changhong-DIY
Crowd-Factory? - Crystal Sponge? - Moles and hydrocortosone cream:
Update - Feeding the 9 Billion? - After the Thugs (bad poetry that
doesn't rhyme) - Age of World?
- Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems (no reports)
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Carmichael Mill ("Handheld Bandsaw Alaska Mill")
- "railway" band guide wheels: Mounting, adjustments & Cuts
- Self Correcting Band Guides?
* Proposed New Electrical Standards "RFC": a new standard Voltage
(38/36 VDC) +
Standard Connectors for 12 VDC, 38 VDC
- Idea: If making 38/36 volt connectors, why not market 38 volt
lights and appliances along with them? - Other notes
Electricity Generation
(no reports)
Electricity Storage -
Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi, O2-Ni), etc.
* Zinc: notorious battery electrode substance, TAMED by the new
* Nickel-Zinc Batteries - Compacting electrodes - Glue &
Jell - Why, suddenly, Zinc instead of Nickel?
* Manganese-zinc & Lead-zinc cells & experiments (They all
* Zinc Sheet Electrodes work great - Shaping Plates to gain More
Surface Area
* Mn-Zn cell from scratch: works great!
Turquoise Energy News #120
covering May 2018 - (posted
June 3rd 2018)
Feature: Nickel-Nickel Battery: Should
be better,
cheaper than Lithiums. Next step, developmental production.
(See Month in Brief,
Electricity Storage)
In Brief
(Project Summaries etc.)
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Chevy Sprint Car, continued
* Reluctance Motor Designing Idea: Make it Flexible!
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Carmichael Mill ("Handheld Bandsaw Alaska Mill")
- potential competition? Nope! - Various constructions and
trials - Cutting (a few) real boards - Superior band guides
* Proposed New Electrical Standards "RFC": a new standard Voltage,
Standard Connectors for 12 VDC, 38 VDC
- New "38 volt DC" (+/- 15% = 33 to 43.7 volts) proposed as a
"standard wiring voltage"
- midway between 12 volt and 120 volt (3 times 12
volts; 1/3 of 120 volts)
- 1/3 the current and wire size of 12 V
- much lower line losses than 12 V, good for
moderate power appliances as well as low power
- highest 'safe to touch' line voltage
- Revised CAT standard 12 volt plugs and receptacles (a little
smaller, better connections and grip)
- New HAT standard 38 volt plugs and receptacles (size is close
to original CAT std., longer and stiffer prongs/blades)
* "The Indoor Vegetable Garden" - Year round gardening with LED
Lights! (and other gardening) (Last update for the season?)
Electricity Generation
* HE Ray Energy - notes on magnetic saturation & grounding
Electricity Storage -
Turquoise Battery Project (NiMn, NiNi, O2-Ni), etc.
* Nickel-Nickel Batteries - Further cell experiments - Cell
construction and test - Water electrolyte cell - More tests
High Resistance Electrode can be solved by VERY VERY powerful
compaction - NiNi
Must Next Move to Developmental Production
- Negative Current Collector Metal as a
metal hydride for double energy storage?
Energy News #119
covering April 2018 - (posted
May 4th 2018)
(Project Summaries etc.)
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- 7CoreValues.org - Plastic beaches and oceans
- US Government: a failed democracy? - Guarded humour
- Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Chevy Sprint: got it running. (YAY!) Complications &
inspirations... Stereo & music - Controller & motor - Clutch
slipping - Another Try at "Sep Ex" Control - Take apart - Motor - Field
Drive DC to DC Converter? - Batteries - Headlights: fixing problems
from long ago - Moving along - Solar charging?
* PM Assisted Reluctance Motors, Improved Performance Unipolar Motor
Controllers(?) & Electric Transport
* Some Nissan Leaf Notes - EV Market
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Carmichael Mill ("Bandsaw Alaska Mill")
* "The Indoor Vegetable Garden" - Year round gardening with LED
Lights! (and other gardening)
Electricity Generation
* Hydro Power: Turbine Shaft & "Spiral Staircase" water wheel
* The Electromagnetic Spectrum, John Bedini & (V)HE Ray Energy:
Ideas and experiments
Electricity Storage -
Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi, O2-Ni), etc.
* Nickel-nickel: How good would it be?
Turquoise Energy News #118
covering March 2018 - (posted
April 3rd 2018)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries etc.)
Special Feature:
The Fantasy Budget!
What if someone offered me a fortune for the purpose of helping to
improve the world?
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- The need for teaching the core values of social sustainability
- Inbread humour?
- Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Chevy Sprint: Battery placement - Motor Controller
* A BLDC Motor Disassembly
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Carmichael Mill ("Bandsaw Alaska Mill")
* "The Indoor Vegetable Garden" -
Year round gardening with LED Lights!
(and other gardening)
* LED Light Making Update (how the ones I made some years ago are
faring now - dimming - repairs)
Electricity Generation
* Small Creek - And Larger - Hydro Power Units? - The spiral staircase "Turbine
with "Intake Head"
Electricity Storage -
Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi, O2-Ni), etc.
* Doped conductive coating separates graphite current collector
from electrode
* Ethaline DES with potassium oxalate and calcium hydroxide
* Nickel-Nickel test cell seems to work!
(real, practical cells for EV.s now seem possible)
* Use NO Graphite or conductive carbon black powder - It caused
the self discharge in all those previous cells
Turquoise Energy News #117
covering February 2018 - (posted
March 3rd 2018)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Battery Electrolyte Experiment
- Revised and Revived: the Electric Chevy Sprint Project (the car
moves!) - EV Power
Consumptions - No Carmichael Mill ("Bandsaw Alaska Mill") this month -
More Electric Ferries! (update)
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- More Arctic Warming-Accelerating Sea Level Rise-Topsy Turvy Weather -
Spinosaurus: a gigantic Amphibian or a Reptile?
- Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Chevy Sprint Car (again? still?) - Forklift Motor & Fixed (8.9:1)
reduction: The car moves!
* J1772 EV Charging Stations
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Indoor Vegetable Growing With LED Lights
Electricity Generation (no reports)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi, O2-Ni), etc.
* Nickel-Nickel: DES & KC2O4 Electrolyte Experiment
Turquoise Energy News #116
covering January 2018 - (posted
February 3rd 2018)
* Carmichael Mill ("bandsaw alaska mill") First Tests!
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries etc.)
Nissan Leaf (light blue) -
Carmichael Mill ("Bandsaw Alaska Mill") - Motor Development Thoughts -
Electrolytes for Nickel-Nickel (& Air-Nickel?) Batteries
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Beach Plastic & Burning Plastics - Wall Street Woze - Plagues
- Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Caik and ARM Motor Production Thoughts - Development of the new
* Experiment: Melting and Molding Scrap Polypropylene
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* "Carmichael Mill" AKA "Portable Bandsaw Alaska Mill"
Electricity Generation (no reports)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi, O2-Ni), etc.
* Electrolyte: Potassium Oxalate?
* Electrolyte Medium: Deep Eutectic Solvent (DES) "Ethaline" -- a salt
that's liquid at room temperature -- instead of water?
* Getting the stuff
* Making the DES
Turquoise Energy News #115
covering December 2017 - (posted
January 11th 2018)
A Decade in Review
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries etc.)
Internet - Shrinking World - Carmichael Mill ("Bandsaw Alaska Mill") -
Battery Lab & Nickel-Nickel Batteries - Hybridizing the Toyota
Echo... Wait, how about the Miles truck?
A Decade in Review
* What's been done?: Listing the projects
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Sea Foam is natural (Ooops!) -
Cryptocurrencies - Fraud in the Stock Market? - John MacAdam -
Projection World Map & Virtual Reality
- Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Ground Effect Craft: Fixing Lateral Stability Problem
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* "Carmichael Mill", a "Bandsaw Alaska Mill" - Meat cutting band is
better(?) - Building It, continued - Home Sheet Metal Tools - Motors
and Duty
Cycle - Drive Belts
* Power Supply: Photos Simplify Repair. But is it worth it?
Electricity Generation
* Tiny Solar Cells (purchased)
* A couple of VHE Ray Energy Notes
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi, O2-Ni), etc.
Another round with Nickel-Nickel chemie: in oxalic acid - Battery Lab -
Chemistry - electrolyte - Building a Cell - Expectations: The Reactions
- Testing & Observations - Conclusions - Next Electrolyte:
Potassium Oxalate? - Cell with KH(C2O4)? - Positive Electrode
Characteristics (seemingly Favorable: with slightly lower voltages)
Turquoise Energy News #114
covering November 2017 - (posted
December 2nd 2017)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries etc.)
Format - Feedback is welcome - Bandsaw Alaska Mill - Hybridizing the
Toyota Echo - Alaska Milling - (note: Palaeos.com URL)
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Arthritis Cure: Borax. Still Working. - "Foambergs" (More Sea
Foam from aerosol spraying?)
- Project Reports
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* An Off-the-Shelf Centrifugal Variable Pulley?
* Back to a centrifugal clutch? - some design considerations
* Double Set Screws: Make sure it won't come loose
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Bandsaw Alaska Mill: Wheels and bands - making plywood wheels
Electricity Generation
* An Attic Windplant? (just an idea)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi, O2-Ni), etc. (no reports)
Turquoise Energy News #113
covering October 2017 - (posted
November 3rd 2017)
Feature: Finally!!!: A Simple,
Practical Plan for an Add-On Wheel Drive Motor! (See: Month in
Brief, Electric Transport)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries etc.)
Note on Motor Controller Repair/Power Transistor Replacement - Chevy
Sprint Electric Conversion with Improved Transmission? (thought of and
then abandoned... because -->)
- Finally! A practical plan for an add-on wheel drive motor!
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- English Alphabet: Like a Number System Without a Zero - British
Columbia Place Names (Where does the cat wipe its feet? Kitimat)
- In Depth
Project Reports -
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Chevy Sprint somewhat variable transmission
* Wheel Drive Motor Revived: Hybridize a gas car, the 2001 Toyota Echo
*** The Simplest Plan Ever! ***
* The Unique Feature: Single Variable Pulley on Pivoting Shaft... best
choice?: automatic centrifugal pulley
* Then there's the Slipping Clutch with Flywheel idea(again?)... or a
centrifugal Clutch?
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Plan for a portable "Bandsaw Alaska Mill" for cutting lumber?
Electricity Generation (no reports)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi, O2-Ni), etc. (no reports)
Turquoise Energy News #112
covering September 2017 - (posted
October 14th 2017)
Month In "Brief"
(Project Summaries etc.)
- Electric(?) Bixel Ground Effect Vehicle - Chevy Sprint Electric
Conversion with Improved Transmission - Electric Caik Outboard Motor - Leftover
Summer: EV.s Pickup - NiMH Battery Stick
Fix... Duh! - Solar Panels for the Miles EV Cargo Van? - Lead-Salt,
Lead-Alkaline Batteries: Belated Revelations - Electric Sawmill
Again - NOT!
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- A bit more
perspective on the Permian Period & Evolution of Life - An Entirely
New Take
on the Second World War
- In Depth
Project Reports -
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Electric Caik Motor & Electric Caik Outboard
* Chevy Sprint extra-efficient transmission conversion project: on
again, with Curtis motor and controller.
- A few transmission explorations & ideas for using stock
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects (no reports)
Electricity Generation
* Short Space Ray/Lambda Ray/VHE Ray Converter
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi, O2-Ni), etc. (no reports - but see
lead-salt article in Month in Brief)
Turquoise Energy News #111
covering April, May, June, July
& August 2017 - (posted
September 12th 2017)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries & short project reports)
- House Move - Project Selections - Electric(?) Ground Effect Vehicle -
Lambda Ray Converter - Upgraded Electric Caik Outboard Test ...&
the next "Hubcap" type motor improvement - A Nickel-Air Battery Note -
LED Lighting - Suzuki Swift: Burned an EV (Yow!) - Miles Electric Truck
Chain Drive
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Haida Gwaii (AKA Queen Charlotte Islands) - The Move - A Trip Back to
Victoria - Antigravity in a Dream? - Time of day - Sigh, Chem Trails
Again! - Possible Health Ideas: Cyst and maybe Mole Removal or
Shrinking? - Easier Shelling of Peas and Beans?
- In Tedious
Project Reports -
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Electric Bixel Ground Effect Vehicle: - Ducted Fan etc. - The "paper
airplane" delta wing design - back to Catamaran design
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects (no reports)
Electricity Generation
* New Water Flow Turbine Design Thoughts
* Ocean Wave Power Thoughts
* Short Space Ray/Lambda Ray/VHE Ray Converter: - Circuit Board is
working - Programming - How it Works: A bit of speculation
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi, O2-Ni), etc. (no reports)
Turquoise Energy News #110
covering March 2017 - (posted
April 1st 2017)
Feature: Ground Effect "WIG" Craft: Fast, smooth marine
transport: aircraft speeds just over the waves; 1/3 the fuel of an
airplane. [see Month in Brief]
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- House Move Proceeding - Fastest Water Transport Technology: "Ground
Effect" Low Flying Craft - Bixel WIG Craft (a better design!) - Bixel
WIG Craft Project?... Just RC models?
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- More on Arctic & Global Warming
- In Depth
Project Reports (NONE this month) -
Turquoise Energy News #109
covering February 2017 - (posted
March 3rd 2017)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Improved Piggott Alternators - Solar Panels & Grid Tie Inverters
on AliExpress.com - Turquoise Energy Motor Controllers? - Unipolar
Motors and Controller - Chevy Sprint & "Ultra Efficient EV
Conversion" Project - A Reader Reports on batteries in real life use:
Lead-Acid battery life
extension, NiMH D cells, Li-MnO4, Lead-Acid off-grid - Nickel Air Cells
- Wind Turbine Ships & Boat.
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Advanced Fast Catamaran Ferry - Make a small catamaran? - Arctic
Warming - Easter Island: "the old story" of a Civilization Grown Too
Large - Quarkcoin Cryptocurrency - Small attempts at humor
- In Depth
Project Reports (NONE this month) -
Turquoise Energy News #108
covering January 2017 - (posted
February 5th 2017)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Improved CNC Router - CNC Gardening Machine - Electric Suzuki Swift
Notes - Moving to Haida Gwaii Halts Projects - Improved Solar Panel
Cover Glasses? - Solar Cells & Panels for Electric Truck
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Replacing Plastic Bags - Shower Nozzles - Pro-baa-baa-ly not Funny
- In Depth
Project Reports -
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems (no reports)
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects (see Month in Brief)
Electricity Generation
* Making Piggott Generator - continued
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi, O2-Ni), etc. (no reports)
Turquoise Energy News #107
covering December 2016 - (posted
January 6th 2017)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Solar PV Price Continues Dropping - Making Improved
Piggott Alternator - Piggott Unipolar BLDC Motor? - Air-Nickel Battery
Experiment - Electric Suzuki Swift Notes - Moving To Haida Gwaii -
Sustainable Energy Courses and Enterprise?
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- The Bottom Line: the Core Values - The War on Free Speech - A Broader
Perspective of
Economics - Cartoon: Trickle Down Economic Theory Explained
- In Depth
Project Reports -
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems (no reports)
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects (no reports)
Electricity Generation
* Building Improved 2000-4000 Watt Hugh Piggott Frictionless Axial Flux
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi, O2-Ni), etc. (no reports)
Turquoise Energy News #106
covering November 2016 - (posted
December 4th 2016)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Project holdups - Improved Hugh Piggott 'frictionless' alternators -
Improved Tesla Air Turbine for wind power & OWC ocean wave power -
Water wheel blades, & (better) "Spiral Staircase" Underwater
Turbine idea, for energy capture from flowing water - Floats for
Floating Hydro Units - Setting up for another Sprint fixed ratio
differential transmission test - End of the Old e-Motorcycle Story
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Voter "Dating App": Impartial and Comprehensive Candidate
Information to help you decide who to vote for - The Power of Groups
with Intentions - USA "Electoral College" System needs to be Dropped -
More Precious Metals Price Manipulation
- In Depth
Project Reports -
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Electric Hubcap motor, Chevy Sprint & Differential gear Variable
Transmission - Another Fixed Ratio Chain (still being made)
* Asymmetric Epicyclic gear with Spur Gears: Gears & Gear Cutting
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects (no reports)
Electricity Generation
* Improved 1500-4000 Watt Hugh Piggott Frictionless Axial Flux
* Tesla Turbine Windplant
* Hydro Power Wheel with Curved Blades... or Spiral Staircase propeller
* Floats for Floating Hydro Power Units?
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi, O2-Ni), etc. (no reports)
Turquoise Energy News #105
covering October 2016 - (posted November 10th 2016)
Coming Next month (November):
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Late Newsletter, etc - Differential Torque Converter: Gear Cutting -
The Electric Suzuki Swift! ... Regen Braking ... Swift compared with
"ultra-efficient" Ideals - Big Oil is on its way Out - Personal Doings
& 'Business' Trip - Tidal Power in Haida Gwaii? - Building
Renewable Energy Mechanisms Workshop/Lecture Series?
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Evolution of Democracy
Project Reports -
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Electric Hubcap motor, Chevy Sprint & Differential gear Variable
- Gear Making
- Kelly Motor Controller Troubles
* Electric Caik Outboard Upgrade
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects (no reports)
Electricity Generation
* Improved 750/1500 Watt Hugh Piggott Frictionless Axial Flux
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi, O2-Ni), etc. (no reports)
Turquoise Energy News #104
covering September 2016 - (posted October 2nd 2016)
Highlight: Differential transmission concepts proven by
experiments, work progresses (see Month in Brief, Electric Transport)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- UIVT: from Sprint/Variable Transmission project - Conversion of a car
alternator to a permanent magnet alternator - Tesla Turbine Windplant
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- World Nearly Loses an Inventor - Fruit Picking Pole Makes Picking
High-Up Fruit Safe & Easy - Tilapia update - The Ultimate Theft:
Conflicts of Interest of Officials, between the USA
"Corporatocracy" - Canadian Parliamentary Voting Reform
Committee meeting - Honey Bee Ecological Catastrophe
- Improve Health and Increase Life Expectancy: Metformin
Project Reports -
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Electric Hubcap motor, Chevy Sprint & Differential gear Variable
- Sprint Prototype with Third Shaft?
- Single Variable Pulley with Third Shaft - or Controlled Idler
- Chain Drive Experiments/Tests
- Conclusions (proves concepts)
- Electric Hubcap Motor Troubles (Wiring)... & Electric Caik
Motor Upgrade
- Gear Cutters
- Gear Making Calculations
- Other ways to Make Plastic Gears!
- The Spur Gear Differential Gear Unit & Variants
- Configuring a Production Model
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects (no reports)
Electricity Generation
* Conversion of a car alternator to a permanent magnet alternator with
a ring magnet
* Tesla Turbine Wind Turbine?
Turquoise Energy News #103
covering August 2016 - (posted September 2nd 2016)
reduction ratios with One Smooth Lever. Efficient. Cars, Boats...
windplants? aircraft?
[see Month in Brief, Electric Transport]
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- UIVT: from Sprint/Variable Transmission project - Ocean Wave Power -
New Chemistry
Batteries (Air-Nickel) - DIY Pelton Hydro Power with a 500W EBike Hub
Motor; 3KW Zambezi Pontoon Hydro
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Material and Social Sustainability - Rain Bombs -
Local Societal Dysfunctionallity - Precious Metals Price Manipulation
Project Reports -
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Electric Hubcap motor, Chevy Sprint & Differential gear Variable
- New refinement: Belt & Pulleys Variable Torque
Converter ("CVT") replaces slipping belt, making a...
* Double Barrel Torque Converter - Design Refinements... to be used in
the above!
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects (no reports)
Electricity Generation
* Oscillating Water Column (OWC) Ocean Wave Power Buoy Drawings
* Waves are angled: Angled Buoy idea
* Green opposition to wave power?!? Really?!?
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi, O2-Ni), etc. (no reports)
Turquoise Energy News #102
covering July 2016 - (posted August 1st 2016)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Sprint/Variable Transmission - Ocean Wave Power - New Chemistry
Batteries (Air-Nickel) - Solar Panels for
the Miles Electric Truck? - Hydro Power from
Small Creek on the Cheap (a Video)
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Rising Sea Levels? Not so fast! - Platinum Gets Rare - Turkey
Shoot - Violence Starts with Ruthless People - More
Lawlessness - Where are the VHE/Lambda Ray/"free energy"
Project Reports -
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Electric Hubcap motor, Chevy Sprint & Variable Transmission:
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects (no reports)
Electricity Generation
* Solar Panels for the Miles Electric Truck?
* Oscillating Water Column (OWC) Ocean Wave Power Buoy Drawings
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi, O2-Ni), etc. (no reports - see month in
Turquoise Energy News #101
covering June 2016 - (posted July 8th 2016)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Commercializations? - Variable Torque Converter (PGTC) Transmission -
Taxes - LED Lighting - J1772 adapter - Rocket Stove
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Climate Chaos: Jet streams weaken, cross equator - Mass
Animal Die-Offs - Speculation to Help Fuel High Food Costs - Very Hot
Drinks Linked to Esophageal Cancer - Coffee is good for you - Precious
Metals Price Breakout - Screw for Denmark! - BREXIT - A War Would
Have No Winners - Dimetrodon: Contrary Statements? - Huge Beetle (what
is it?)
Project Reports -
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Electric Hubcap motor, Chevy Sprint & Variable Transmission:
- Take-apart of Sprint manual transmission
- Two-Sun Planetary Gear?
- Simplification: differential gear to replace planetary gear
- Slipping gear to link to drive shaft to return previously
wasted energy
- The Sticking Brake: Half the Problem All Along!
* Idea for a New Type of Flat Belt Torque Converter: A "Double
Torque Converter" (might actually be useful?)
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects (no reports)
Electricity Generation (no reports)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi, O2-Ni), etc. (no reports)
Turquoise Energy News #100
covering May 2016 - (posted June 3rd 2016)
* Planetary Gear Variable Torque Converter is The Ultimate
Automotive Transmission! (see Month in Brief, Electric Transport)
* Permian Period Revisited: The Age of Evolving Amphibians, not
Reptiles (Special report)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Variable Torque Converter Transmission... & crab fishing -
Permian Period Revisited - Commercializations?
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Mexican Silver Money - Financial Collapse Timeline?
Project Reports -
Permian Period Revisited: The Age of Evolving
Amphibians, not Reptiles
Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
Electric Hubcap motor, Chevy Sprint & Variable Transmission -
Conclusion: PGTC looks like the ultimate auto tranny, May's
frustrations solved... I think - miswired phases - better planetary
gear?... buy it! - Stronger Spring - Various experiments and
adjustments with springs and mountings
* A small note on permanent magnet assisted motors: just by luck I made
the ARM motor that can be converted
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects (no reports)
Electricity Generation (no reports)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi, O2-Ni), etc.
Source of Electrolyte - Oxidizing Graphite for the Positrode - Nickel
Ion Battery: another form of nickel-nickel cell
Turquoise Energy News #99
covering April 2016 - (posted May 6th 2016)
* A New Battery Chemistry: Air-Nickel in Potassium Sulfate -
Energy & probably Easiest DIY Battery Ever! (see Electricity
* Chevy Sprint/Variable Torque Converter Transmission: Basic
Driveability at Last! (see Electric Transport)
* Another New, Super-High Performance Motor Type: Permanent Magnet
Assisted Motor (see Electric Transport)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Chevy Sprint with Variable Planetary Gear Torque Converter: it rolls!
- Nickel-Air Battery - Electropermanent Magnet Motors - Permanent
Magnet Assisted Motors
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Geo-engineering, Climate Disasters, Social Evolution
Project Reports -
Electric Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Electric Hubcap motor, Chevy Sprint & Variable Transmission
* "Permanent Magnet Assisted" Unipolar Motor?
* Unipolar Motor "Breakthrough"? Oops.
* A flat drive belt idea?
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects (no reports)
Electricity Generation (no reports)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi), etc.
* Self Discharge: Probably Caused by Graphite in the Positrode.
(Graphite surface needs to be
* News Report Confirms that Jelled Electrodes make for Virtually
Indefinite Cycle Life
* Conductive Carbon/Graphite Rods
* Notes on the Nickel Negative Electrode
* Self Discharge: Attempting to eliminate it. ... It must come from the
positive electrode.
* Nickel-Air (Air-Nickel) Battery
- Graphene or Graphene Oxide Layer on Plastic Film
- Rethinking It!
- Nickel Advantage?
- Cell Design & Humidity: moisture level maintenance
- 2 Test Cells
Turquoise Energy News #98
covering March 2016 - (posted April 2nd 2016)
* Planetary Gear Torque Converter with Flywheel Drives Chevy Sprint!
(see Month in
Brief, Electric Transport)
* Nickel-Nickel Battery in Potassium Sulfate Holds Charge! (see
Month in Brief, Electricity Storage)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- The 28th - Miles Electric Cargo Truck Repair - Hands-On
Updated - a small
update - Electropermanent Magnet Motors: A Whole New Field... or is it
"new"? - THREE Variable Transmissions & Sprint Car: 1. Frictionless
Centrifugal Clutch; 2. Add-On Motor & Wheel Drive; 3. Planetary
Gear Torque Converter (PGTC) with Flywheel (Now Working) -
Nickel-Nickel Battery: the simple secret! - Canada Revenue Report
(What, late again?!?)
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Life on Pluto - preposterous?
Project Reports -
Electric Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Lower RPM, Frictionless
Centrifugal Clutch - Making progress and tests - finally... abandoned.
* New direct-to-wheel belt drive with clutch and flywheel idea -
exploratory work.
* Planetary Gear Torque Converter (PGTC) installation and tests: it
works... Sprint to hopefully be made roadworthy with it.
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects (no reports)
Electricity Generation (no reports)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi), etc.
* Nickel Foam Arrives
* Filling a nickel-nickel cell with potassium sulfate
* Making and testing a new test cell and purer potassium sulfate... It
Turquoise Energy News #97
covering February 2016 - (posted March 3rd 2016)
Feature: "Electro-Permanent"
Magnets Could Revolutionize Motors & Electric Vehicles -- 500 mile
range? (see Month in Brief & longer article below it... also
"Detailed Report" - actually my first thoughts on the idea.)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Hands-On Democracy - Electro-permanent magnet motors - LED Plant
Growth Lighting Idea - Chevy Sprint: Electric Hubcap motor,
frictionless centrifugal clutch - An E-Bike with Motor Components
Around Wheel - Miles Electric Cargo Truck Repairs
Electropermanent Magnets & Motors
- seems "COP" may be over 5x(?) input power!
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Rising Financial Woes - USA Election Rigging - a funny or two
Project Reports -
Electric Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Electro-permanent Magnets and
Motors (yet another little write-up - my early thoughts when I first
found out about the idea.)
* Lower RPM, Frictionless
Centrifugal Clutch Making progress
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects (no reports)
Electricity Generation (no reports)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi), etc. (no reports)
Turquoise Energy News #96
covering January 2016 - (posted Feb. 2nd 2016)
Month In Brief (Project Summaries)
- Hands-On Democracy - Electric Hubcap motor, Chevy Sprint &
variable transmission (January's main focus) - NiNi Battery Chemistry:
Nickel Foam; salt bridge? - Bitcoin Miners/Mining
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Sea Levels Rising - Bank Problems Rising ($)
Project Reports -
Electric Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Electric Hubcap Motors: Rotor
Magnet Placement Jig, motor rebuilt with improved rotor.
* Variable Torque Converter Transmission/Chevy Sprint car
- installation progress: several essential parts made and
- Test shows centrifugal clutch doesn't engage well enough
at the low RPM.s involved: right idea but not good enough.
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects (no reports)
Electricity Generation (no reports)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi), etc. (no reports)
Turquoise Energy News #95
covering December 2015 - (posted Jan. 3rd 2016)
A Highlight:
- Self-turning Magnet Motors are Powered by VHE/Lambda Rays? (see
Month in Brief, Electricity Generation)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Unipolar Motor Controller - VHE Lambda Ray Converter - and - Magnet
motors appear to be lambda ray converters! - Chevy Sprint &
variable transmission - Miles ZX40 Electric Truck - Mazda RX7 EV &
battery longevity notes - LED/Aquaponics & Space
Lighting Note & Peltier Fridge
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Lifting the Veil: The Pathocracy (book) - Bail-Ins Coming? -
Techniques for
Suppression of Clean Energy - Peace and Forgiveness - Pluto images
Project Reports -
Electric Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Unipolar Motor Controller: pulse speed control input to improve
* Hubcap Motors: Rotor Magnet Attachment
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects (no reports)
Electricity Generation
* VHE/Lambda rays - ideas
* "self turning" magnet motors are apparently powered by lambda rays!
* microcontroller triple timer for the converter
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi), etc. (no reports)
Turquoise Energy News #94
covering November 2015 - (posted Dec. 3rd 2015)
- Theory and Methods of Generating Electricity from Lambda Rays (AKA
"VHE Gamma Rays") (See:
Month in Brief, Electricity Generation)
- Variably Engaging Drive Rod: a new type of variable torque
converter? (See: Month in Brief, Electric Transport)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Lambda Ray Converter - Unipolar Motor Controller - Microcontroller
based unipolar controller? - Variably Engaging Drive Rod Variable
Torque Converter?
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Energy is everywhere; Where are we? - Small space update: Pluto,
Ceres, Comet 67P
- Obstruction of Democracy:
social treason.
- In Depth Project Reports -
Electric Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Unipolar Motor Controller: pulse speed control input to improve
* Coil heating problem became diode heating problem with new coil.
* Variable Crank Rod Gear (Another possible type of variable torque
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects (no reports)
Electricity Generation
* Lambda Ray Energy Converter:
- "Well known" but unexplained electrical "DC kick" phenomenon is
doubtless indicative of simple lambda ray
energy conversion. This is the starting point!
- Multiple frequency resonating oscillations "kick the kick of
the kick" up
to powerful (even destructive) levels.
- Construction - Control Circuit Schematic & PCB Files -
Programming Strategy
- Notes on Steven Mark e-mails compilation (the source of much
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi), etc. (no reports)
Turquoise Energy News #93
covering October 2015 - (posted Nov. 8th 2015)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Pulse Width Modulation for motor controllers - Atmospheric Energy -
High vacuum pump for evacuated tube radiators for thermoelectric
cooling? - NiMH Battery connection problems.
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Legislation must be Ratified by the People - Energy Density:
Gasoline vs
batteries? - Importance of Location for Industrial Activities -
Negative interest rates - Another High Frequency Trading Scam - Itchy
chocolate - Book Barn Mini Library - Supercorder at Band & more
interest in it
- In Depth Project Reports -
Electric Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Unipolar Motor Controller: pulse speed control input to improve
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Peltier Module/Thermoelectric Cooler ('TEC') Experiments:
voltage versus attained cooling - 15 amp Peltier module - better ice
tray - internal fan - evacuated tube heat radiator - DC to DC converter
Electricity Generation
* Atmospheric Ions - free energy from the electrical charge of thin air?
* Sigh, month ends with far more questions than answers.
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi), etc.
* Lead? Lead? The acid battery element has potential uses for alkaline
or salt batteries, where it just might have 'forever' cycle life.
* Lead-acid battery charging & cycle life extension: pulse charging.
Turquoise Energy News #92
covering September 2015 - (posted Oct. 4th 2015)
Highlights: Free Energy from Thin Air?
- Lambda Rays, or Atmospheric Electrical Charge? (see Month in
Brief, Electricity Generation)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Further peltier module 12 V fridge experiments - ARM Reluctance Motor
Runs! - New (used) Batteries NiMH & Lithium iron phosphate - Free
energy... where's it from again? - Timing of inventions, a perspective.
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
Syrian Girl's video: an 'on the
spot' perspective on what's happening in Syria - Loose Change -
Perpetual War - Arguably somewhat humorous things & "Political
- In Depth Project Reports -
Electric Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* ARM reluctance motor project
* "Transverse flux" SR motor rotor idea
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Peltier Module/Thermoelectric Cooler ('TEC') Experiments:
voltage versus attained cooling - 15 amp Peltier module - better ice
tray - internal fan - evacuated tube heat radiator - DC to DC converter
* Water Conservation: Best Shower Nozzle and Video
Electricity Generation
* Electrostatic Perpetual Motion Motor?
* Thomas Henry Moray: not only free energy collector -- he invented
semiconductor electronics, in the 1920s... and lots more!
* Free energy from the electrical charge of thin air?
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi), etc.
* Honda Insight NiMH Battery - converted to 14.4 volts, 65AH.
Turquoise Energy News #91
covering August 2015 - (posted Sept. 2nd 2015)
Highlights: TWO Improved Axial flux
Switched Reluctance Motors: "AFSRM" or "ARM" and "Transverse Flux" Motor
(Building ARM is in
progress - see Month in Brief, Electric Transport topic) - Battery DES
Chemicals arrive
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Plan that got changed - ARM Motor - An even better(?) SR motor
layout! - Mounting a Motor for a Car Wheel Drive - Solar Water Heater
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
* Solar PV Power coming of age - Comet
- In Depth Project Reports -
Electric Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* ARM motor project
* "Transverse flux" SR motor idea & project
* Making an offset motor with belt drive "Electric Hubcap" Plug-in
Hybrid EV Installation: wheel end parts.
* Sprint: work stopped again owing to competing attractions. (ie, by
very promising looking new motors, again!)
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Solar Hot Water Heater
* Peltier Module/Thermoelectric Cooler Experiment: supply
voltage versus attained cooling.
Electricity Generation (no reports
[but see Solar Water Heater in Other Green Projects,
and Solar PV coming of Age in In Passing])
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi), etc. (No reports)
Turquoise Energy News #90
covering July 2015 - (posted August 2nd 2015)
Highlights: BDLC 4:3 Motor and
Controller: A superior BLDC system, prototypes finished and working
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- BLDC4:3 Motor & Unipolar Controller - an order for CAT 12VDC
sockets, wall plates! - fickle ceramic capacitors - Variable
transmission/Chevy Sprint progress (with Kelly BLDC motor controller) -
DES battery electrolyte (I'll make
it, I hope) - Electric Caik Outboard/fishing/anemometer for boat speed
- Motor failures - Kia Soul production EV.
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Resistance to Change - Greek Example - PETE/PET is burnable plastic - Life in the Solar System... On
a Comet? - Pluto - More on (Ugh!) Chem Spraying
- Turquoise Energy taxes/SR & ED 2014.
- In Depth Project Reports -
Electric Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* "BLDC4:3" Electric Caik Motor and Unipolar Controller
* Variable planetary gear transmission with Centrifugal clutch in Chevy
- Installation in car
- Kelly Controller over-revs motor with old magnet attachment
- Will replace rotor... with BLDC4:3 configuration and good for
much higher RPM.s
* Electric Caik Outboard: fishing trip & problems -
planning next improvements
* Copenhagen Wheel Electric Bicycle Wheel - link et al
* Original GMC EV1 Brochure (attached)
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects (no reports)
Electricity Generation
(no reports)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi), etc. (No reports)
Turquoise Energy News #89
covering June 2015 - (posted July 4th 2015)
Highlights: New Configuration
Electric Caik BLDC Motor Runs great, with superior new "Single Ended"
or "Unipolar" Motor Controller! (see Month in Brief, Electric
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Clean burning plastic - Chem spraying continues - Eating crow - TPP,
TPA or whatever it is - Greece: First Domino? - New Horizons Approaches
- In Depth Project Reports -
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor Systems
* "BLDC4:3" Electric Caik Motor & unipolar/single ended/half wave
motor controller: making, running, testing, reports & ideas.
* Axial Flux Switched Reluctance Motor? (AFSRM)
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Vertical axis lathe?
* Aquaponics & LED Plant Lighting update - Manual aquaponics?
Electricity Generation
(no reports)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi), etc.
* Making cylindrical Ni-Ni cell (but it didn't work well - what am I
doing wrong?)
Turquoise Energy News #88
covering May 2015 - (posted June 3rd 2015)
* New configuration Bipolar BLDC Motor to use improved reliability
Unipolar Motor Controller (Month in Brief)
* Electric Weel: 'finished' at last, but... (Month in Brief,
Electric Hubcap Motor Systems)
* Geo-engineering: Playing Russian Roulette with Earth's Environment
(In Passing)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
NiNi cylindrical batteries - Electric Weel Hydro Generator - Using a
Unipolar Motor Controller for Bipolar BLDC motors! - Electric Ooutboard
from Scratch Revival? (with Caik motor & unipolar controller, and
double U-joint at foot) - Making a Flat Drive Belt - Various NiMH
Batteries & RX7 EV - Aquaponics... wheat field - Thermoelectric:
fridge update, heat pumping - Solar Hot Water? - Paperwork for CRA -
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Borax for Arthritis? - Geo-Engineering... potential human extinction:
Chem Trails!...
HAARP Too!... Unnatural Disasters? - The Three Core Values of
Social Sustainability.
- Project Reports In Tedious Detail -
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor Systems
* Giant Electric Weel Generator
* Making Flat Drive Belts from Polypropylene (or other)
(Flat belts are 99% efficient!)
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Aquaponics & LED Plant Lighting update
* Thermoelectric (Peltier Module) Fridge & Space Heating Update
Electricity Generation
(no reports)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi), etc.
* The Battery Construction Puzzle
* Sheet metal Roll-bender; rolling up a negode sheet
* Making up NiMH "sub-C" power tool batteries, Electric Mazda RX7 NiMH
"D" cell pipe batteries
Turquoise Energy News #87
covering April 2015 - (posted May 4th 2015)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- NiNi cylindrical batteries - Axial Flux Switched Reluctance
Motor (AFSRM) - a spare Electric Caik motor - Electric Weel Hydro
Generator - RX7 EV Update: brake trouble - Paperwork for CRA -
Commercialization? - Lawnmower Motor, Generator for Windplant.
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- How to Foster Sustainable Energy Product Development - False
Flag Terrorism - JADE HELM 15 [HELM = "Homeland Eradication of Local
Militants"!] - Uncovering the Collapse 2210 National Geographic
Documentary: Archeologists uncovering the
ruins of 20th century civilization - Human Evolution will Continue; a
glorious future lies ahead.
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor Systems
* Electric Hubcap Axial Flux Switched Reluctance Motor (AFSRM)
* Variable Torque Converter Transmission
* Giant Electric Weel Generator
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Aquaponics update
Electricity Generation
(no reports)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi), etc.
* Improved nickel 'negodes' from cupro-nickel sheet, micro-fine nickel
flakes/powder, gum arabic - & Easier cylindrical cell assembly
* Cylindrical 'posode' compactor press
* Aluminum Ion DES Battery - "Moving Target" battery chemistries?
Turquoise Energy News #86
March 2015 - (posted April 3rd 2015)
* A
new design concept for an add-on wheel motor system (see Month in
* Porous nickel sheet and powder for nickel battery electrode
(see Month in Brief, Electricity Storage)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Aquaponics & LED Lighting Progress - 'Ultra efficient'
Electric Chevy Sprint project to be resumed - Axial Flux Switched
Reluctance Motor (AFSRM, replacing unipolar motor) - Add On Wheel
Motor: a New System Design - AFSRM Generator for Windplants et al -
Electric Weel Generator - My/R & D finances? - The Usual Mazda
Batteries Update - Turquoise
Battery Project: Ni-Ni battery production ideas, great new nickel
negode idea!
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Ceres, Vesta and Vegetation - Unsustainable World Population
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor Systems
* 'On hold' Chevy Sprint Electric Hubcap/Planetary gear torque
converter & Centrifugal clutch is to be completed.
* Electric Caik Axial Flux Switched Reluctance Motor - AFSRM (was
unipolar motor)
* Active Reluctance Generators: no cogging and output voltage
* Another Switched Reluctance EV Motor (85KW!), AFSRM EV motor design
* Electric Weel - Huge low RPM generator [at last] nears completion
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Aquaponics & LED Grow Lighting - tilapia pool - Beans?!?
* Cordless Lawnmower with NiMH dry cells: User Review
Electricity Generation (No reports)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi), etc.
* Cylindrical cells with carbon rods?
* Ni-Zn or Ni-Ni acid battery with oxalic acid?
* Ni-Ni cell with nickel-brass sheet for negode?
* To make porous nickel sheets and porous nickel powder! (from
nickel-brass sheet and monel powder)
* Packing peanuts for carbon film, carbon nano-particles?
Turquoise Energy News #85
February 2015 - (posted March 2nd 2015)
Month In
(Project Summaries)
- unipolar motor & controller - variable reluctance motor -
magnetic shielding material? - aquaponics & LED lighting
- Giant Electric Weel motor/generator & floating hydro power
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Improving Systems of Governance: Election CampaynCentral.com
page - Airless World Life in the Solar System: alien plant seed
vegetation on Ceres too!?! - Offensive Cartoon - Precious metals:
Silver investing video
series; the
investor fleecing
game; Operation Chokepoint - Feedback on Patent Suppression of energy
inventions - NO MORE WARS!
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor Systems
* Unipolar Motor & Controller
* Turquoise Bipolar BLDC Motor Controller Problem Identified?
* RX7 New Battery Notes
* Electric Weel Generator/Motor
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Aquaponics & LED Grow Lighting
Electricity Generation (No reports)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi), etc.
* Leonardo Elionix's Manganese-air cell
Turquoise Energy News #84
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Mazda battery 'upgrade' - 'New' EV? - Rick's energy
projects - Unipolar motor (& controller) construction - Aquaponics
& next LED grow light
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Energy Invention Suppression Cases Cataloged in 2008
- Patent System: Far More Disgraceful than I Ever Dreamed!
- Woodrow Wilson apparently soon regretted creating the US
"Federal Reserve"
- Financials
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor Systems
* Unipolar BLDC Motor & Motor Controller Project
* Vehicle Transmission Thoughts and Ideas: RWD vs FWD, gear + belt
* Mazda RX7 NiMH "Battery Upgrade"
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Aquaponics - beans, tilapia, hatched tilapia
* Next LED grow light
Electricity Generation
* Some scattered thoughts on Lambda Ray 'collectors'
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi), etc.
* A Lead-Acid Battery renewal success story
* New NiMH Battery Pack Blow-up: Cordless Power Drill Battery
* Lithium-Iron phosphate versus Nickel-Metal hydride Battery Life -
report from a LiFePO3 battery user
Turquoise Energy News #83
(see "Month in Brief")
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
Seven Years(!) in Review
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Keep the Corrupt from Power
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor Systems
* Unipolar BLDC Motor & Motor Controller Project
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* CAT Standard 12VDC Connector products line extended:
- 4-plex receptacle faceplates
- cigarette lighter socket adapters.
* Aquaponics & LED Grow Lighting Project - Water pH, Aquarium.
Electricity Generation
(No reports)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi), etc.
* Battery-Supercapacitor Hybrid Car Starter Battery
* New Soldered "D" cells, 100AH 12V NiMH batteries for RX7 EV etc.
Turquoise Energy News #82
Progress (see "Month in Brief" and or detailed report)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Unipolar motor controller circuit & circuit board -
aquaponics & LED lighting - variable torque converter transmission
- Coursera.org's "Wind, Waves and Tides" renewable energy course -
Electric Mazda & EV Mixed Batteries update - a small peltier fridge
update: it works better in cold weather.
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- The Need to Enable Citizen Initiated Binding Referendums - Need
and Reasons for the Coming Collapse?... Superficial People Elect
Superficial Leaders.
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor Systems
* Unipolar BLDC Motor & Motor Controller Project
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Aquaponics & LED Grow Lighting Project - 7" x 7" plant growth
Electricity Generation
* Wind Power: some VAWT calculations and schemes
* Wind Powered Vehicle goes straight downwind 3 times faster than the
wind! (Honest!) ...EV applications?
* Woodstove Thermoelectric Generator? - nah.
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi), etc.
* New Soldered "D" cells, 100AH 12V NiMH batteries for RX7 EV etc.
* Real Lead-Acid - and NiMH - Capacities?
Turquoise Energy News #81
Features: Aquaponics! (see October
in Brief, Other Projects)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Aquaponics - Solar Panels, CAT wall socket & LED "clear
cracked ice" diffuser - Variable Transmission - Unipolar Motor -
Coursera: free university education! - Wind Wave and Tides course.
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Another "History of Money" video - Let's BE the Government -
Control - Spiritual Teachers and Students
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor Systems
* Variable Torque Converter Transmission
* Unipolar Motor & Controller
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Aquaponics & LED Grow Lighting Project
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi), etc.
* Reason for self-discharge: Oxygen entering cells?
* Next Cell - not very good (so far)
Turquoise Energy News #80
* Unipolar 3-phase brushless
motor configuration offers greater performance and inherently
motor controller economy, efficiency and reliability (see bottom of
Month in Brief and or Electric Transport - Unipolar Motor
and Controller)
* Government Program for Sustainable Energy Development: Lots of
Hype, no Support (SDTC Funding Workshop & Critique - see month
* Simple Ocean Wave Power System (originally from TENews #59 -
see month in brief)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Solar panels: cheaper and cheaper! Get yours now because the
low prices may not last. - Electric Hubcap motor family developments -
peltier fridge notes - Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC)
funding workshop at University of Victoria (UVic) & Ocean Wave
Power - Unipolar motor
& controller.
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Electric Transport's Effect on Power Grid
- New Institutions must have Provision for Future Growth - Pandemic:
Worst Case Scenario Video - Shoot the Messenger! - Truth on the Internet
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor Systems
* Electric Weel project progress: body molds done, body done,
bearing holders done.
* Variable torque converter transmission
* An ultra-efficient manual transmission with flat belts?
* Unipolar Brushless Motor and Motor Controller
* Kelly 300 amp BLDC Motor Controller
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* CNC Gardening Machine: Tools
* Aquaponics & LED Grow Lighting Project
Electricity Generating (no reports)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi), etc.
* Conductive Carbon Black Arrives (no other developments)
Turquoise Energy News #79
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Electric Hubcap Motors are more powerful than previously thought!
Electric Weel - Turquoise Battery Project - Write-ups
& Website - Shopping & supplies - Aquaponics Greenhouse &
LED Lighting - VA Wind Turbine?
In Passing
(Miscellaneous topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Research and development tax credit programs - New video on financial
system - Overpopulation & Epidemics
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor Systems
* Major magnet rotor improvement!
* "Bedini" unipolar motors?
* Huge Torque, Low RPM Electric Weel Motor-Generator Project
* Lightest magnet rotors
* J1772 car charging plug
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects (see month in brief: LED grow
Electricity Generating (see month
in brief: VAWT)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise Battery
Project (NiMn, NiNi), etc.
* Improved plastic electrode pockets: two-piece 'boxes' with 'lids'
* Nickel-Nickel cell tests
* Lead-acid battery renewal update
Turquoise Energy News #78
Ni-Mn 2-1/2 volt
battery self discharge reduction (see month in brief, Turquoise
Battery project)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Flat Panel LED Lighting - Electric Weel Motor/Generator -
Battery Renewal - Car Transmission - EV Individual Battery Monitor
- NiMn Battery Development - NiNi Battery Idea - Electric Caik
Outboard boat trip -
3D Printer repaired.
In Passing
topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Illustration: "Price of electricity versus gasoline"
- A planeload of people killed to eliminate free energy?
- Slight of Hand: Repeated Insinuations Batter the Brain to
Manipulate Perception
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor Systems
* Electric Weel Motor/Generator - Plastic for Molds: at long last, the
project proceeds
* Individual Battery Monitor - El Cheapo version (7-segment voltage
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Flat Panel LED lights: - assembly, circuit boards...
Electricity Generating (no reports)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise
(NiMn) Battery Project etc.
* Reducing or eliminating the NiMn self discharge
* Lead-acid battery renewal - Learning more chemistry - lower voltages
with higher pH.
Turquoise Energy News #77
* Flat Panel LED Lights: production steps & a great 'cracked ice
texture' diffuser acrylic
* Turquoise Battery: Self discharge problem of positive electrode
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- distractions - flat panel LED
lights - torque converter, manual transmission et al - Peltier woes -
batteries: self discharge of postitve electrode solved - VEVA Electric
In Passing
topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Ooops: 'unsold cars sitting everywhere' was in 2009,
not 2014. - ISIS & Iraq
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor Systems
* Suspension for Bicycles! - Loopwheel and Shockwheel -
game changers for cycling and e-cycling?
* Application of my rim motor design to new wheel types
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Flat Panel LED Lights
- some more printed circuit board making techniques
- case production
- 'pebble texture' acrylic diffuser material gives great 'ice
cube' look, passes more light!
Electricity Generating (no reports)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise
(NiMn) Battery Project etc.
* Positive electrode self discharge problem solved: it was the impure
graphite powder.
Energy News #76 May 2014 - (posted June 7th 2014)
Plan for
complete torque converter transmission (see month in
brief, Electric Transport)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
In Passing
topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
* Hundreds of thousands of unsold gas cars fill hundreds of fields all
over the world
* OMG: Nuclear War? USA considers a nuclear missile first strike?
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor Systems
* "Centrifugal Torque Converter" is only a "Centrifugal Clutch"?
* A Bigger Plan: "CVT" transmission with planetary gear torque
converter and
centrifugal clutch
* Magnetic clutch torque converter: a new concept?
* Mushroom outboard: Leg from PP-epoxy composite?
* Individual Battery Monitor
* Mazda RX7 EV news: 18 V, 100 AH, 5 lithium-ion cells
* New concept in aluminum-air cells (can't recharge): install them in
vehicle for when regular range runs out
* Caik Motor: Ready-made Rotors
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Peltier Module Refrigeration
* Flat Panel LED Lights & Plant Grow Lights
Electricity Generating (no reports)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise
(NiMn) Battery Project etc.
* Carbon Black (or graphite) from old dry cells (sigh!)
* Lithium Ion 100 AH Battery Set
Energy News #75 April 2014 - (posted May 3rd 2014)
Feature: Flat Panel LED Light:
simple, low parts cost, looks nice (see Month in Brief, Other Green
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
In Passing
topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
* Prep Brochures, finances, gardening, aquaponics, the Spark of God
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor Systems
* Centrifugal torque converter - new version 1/2 made
* Bedini style bicycle motor-generator?
* Lithium cells are heavy?
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects
* Power Adapter Battery charging components printed circuit board
* Prototype flat panel LED light: promising design, simple, low parts
* Thermoelectric Fridge & heat pumping experiments continued.
* Bane of Peltier modules: nearly all are rated 15 V max: 22-28 V gives
much higher COP at 12 V.
Electricity Generating
* Flux concentration for magnet motors?
Electricity Storage - Turquoise
(NiMn) Battery Project etc.
* Need pure graphite powder
Turquoise Energy News #74
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
* Hit squads murdering ForEx traders and other banking executives who
'know too much'.
* Coast Capital Savings: a rigged election and the need for the choice
ranking vote and for an independent member communication vehicle. (How
about "CCS-governance@yahoogroups.com" ?)
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor Systems
* Thinking again about centrifugal torque converter: A weighty missing
piece: a flywheel !!!
* Mazda RX7 update: weather effects; battery monitor
* 100 amp-hour NiMH D cell battery for electric car (installed in
electric Mazda RX7)
* 200 amp-hour Lithium-Ion cell battery for Electric Caik Outboard
* Supercapacitors start cars!
Other "Green"
Electric Equipment Projects (No reports)
Electricity Generating
* Solar Panel east-west facings to extend daily collection period
* Glass texture idea [just mentioning it again] to extend and increase
daily solar collection
Electricity Storage - Turquoise
(NiMn) Battery Project etc.
* "Carbon Black" from charcoal
* Nasty self discharge with the charcoal: the nitrAte-NitrIte shuttle?
* Probably the graphite powder is also impure - could explain ALL the
self discharging!
* Video: How to make open cell graphitic carbon foam (purest "carbon
black"? and potential replacement for carbon felt?)
TENews #73 February 2014 - (posted March 6th 2014)
Graphite Foam & Graphite
Foil Yields Good NiMn Battery Performance (see Month in Brief,
Turquoise Battery Project Report)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
* Economic Collapse Nearing? Ready?
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor Systems
* Centrifugal Clutch for Planetary Gear Torque Converter?
Other "Green" Electric Equipment Projects
* LED Lighting: New 12V driver boards; Emitters performance update:
degrading - higher voltage over time
* Peltier Modules Heat Pump
* New design "pins" heatsink
* Graphite as heatsink material
Electricity Generating
* Magnet Motor - magnet twisting idea
Electricity Storage - Turquoise
(NiMn) Battery Project etc.
* Graphite felt, graphite foil
* New Electrode Flat Compactor
* New cell "OJC1" with graphite felt & foil PERFORMS - 100 mA/sq.cm
current density!
* Performance deterioration
* Zinc current collectors gradually corrode
* Graphite foil negode current collector: Doesn't bubble hydrogen and
cause self discharge!
* Tentative conclusions: this cell is workable, should last a long
next cell should be
#72 January 2014 - (posted February 4th 2014)
Self-Turning Magnet Motor Experiments (see Month in Brief,
Electricity Generating)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor Systems
* Huge Electric Weel Motor & Generator Construction (and
other large sizes): Plywood?
* Another in-wheel motor (adding unsprung weight to wheels) in the news
Other "Green" Electric Equipment Projects
* Thermoelectric Fridge Repair: graphite gaskets open new
* Improved Performance Peltier Modules are (probably) coming!
* Large flat panel LED lights to
replace fluorescent fixtures
* Magnet Motors: Johnson, Reed, Yildiz, Brady (demonstrated to
thousands), V-gate ramp... spiral ramp.
* Magnetic "shielding": attraction by iron counters like-poles
repulsion to create magnetic imbalance.
* With "shielding", rotor *seems* to turn more readily & spin
longer in one direction than the other. Maybe.
* Alternative shield?: repulsion by bismuth would counter opposite
poles attraction.
* If all else fails, one electromagnet coil pulsed briefly will ensure
rotation, uses less energy than can be produced.
Electricity Storage - Turquoise
(NiMn) Battery Project etc.
* NiMn cell next try: inconclusive so far.
* Graphite Felt to improve electrode conductivity &
chemical %
* Pulse Chargers for lead-acids: limited success.
#71 December 2013 - (posted January 6th 2014)
Lambda Ray Collector Experiments
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Battery Making Book -
centrifugal torque converter - lambda ray collector - evacuated steam
radiator tubes - a forgotten planetary gear torque converter video from
Sept. 2012 shows it was working better than I remembered (but still
needed a clutch - a part I couldn't seem to make decently!)
6 Years In Review
- oodles of projects!
topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor Systems
* Planetary Gear Centrifugal Variable Torque
Converter Transmission
Other "Green" Electric Equipment Projects
(No reports)
* Evacuated steam radiator pipes - Experiment with 12V Peltier module
Electricity Generating
* Lambda Ray Collector - Brazilian Lambda Ray Collector
* Magnet Machines
Electricity Storage - Turquoise
(NiMn) Battery Project etc.
* Battery Making Book, URL: See December in Brief. (no separate report)
#70 - December 6th 2013
Centrifugal Variable Torque Converter Tests (take 2? 3? 4?)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
In Passing (Miscellaneous
topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Planet Titan: More exciting than Mars! - John F Kennedy
assassination 50 year anniversary
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor Systems
* Electric Hubcap motors: Metal rotor end covers?
* Planetary Gear Centrifugal Variable Torque
Converter Transmission
Other "Green" Electric Equipment Projects
(No reports)
Electricity Generating
* Lambda Ray explorations
Electricity Storage - Turquoise
(NiMn) Battery Project etc. (no report)
#69 - November 6th 2013
Unexplored region of the spectrum: Ultra Short Wave Space Rays, "Lambda
Rays" with up to 10 terra electron volts per photon, constitute the
main radiant energy of the universe! (CMBR in fact is low energy.)
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Lambda Rays - Torque Converter Flywheel - Battery electrodes - huge
evacuated heat transfer pipes, expanding spray foam, fridge control PCB
& Thermoelectric Refrigerator.
In Passing (Miscellaneous
topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- New Models for Society - Money 3.0: Cryptocurrency - Is WW3
still on?
The Roc, Fandor or...
Argentavis?: Giant Flying Bird Fossils found (30' wing span!)
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor Systems
* More Mazda Miscellany
* Variable torque converter transmission quest, continued: episode
XVLIMX, "The Flywheel" (part 1 of "n").
Other "Green" Electric Equipment Projects
(No reports)
Electricity Generating
* CMBR - not much energy there
* Expanding the electromagnetic spectrum past gamma rays: 10 terra
electron volt "Lambda rays" pack a wollop
* "CLBR" Radiant Energy Harvester construction continued: control coils
drivers circuit board.
* A vertical axis wind turbine improvement idea?
Electricity Storage - Turquoise
(NiMn) Battery Project etc.
* Single 2.6 volt cell lights a 2.9 volt LED (if not too brightly):
Take that, lead-acid!
* Seems there should be more Ni than Mn in the Ni(OH)2 + KMnO4 mix, so
the cells
should really be "Ni-Mn", not "Mn-Mn".
* Using still more nickel and less permanganate might reduce the
initially high self discharge (use Ni:Mn 60:40 to 65:35 - proportions
Sanyo dry cell design)
* Next Plastic Jar Cell, PJC2: "double" cell with four plates instead
of two
* Adding monel adds weight to posode: now 44g (negodes 50g);
advantages of using monel.
* Smaller electrodes and faster production?
#68 - October 4th 2013
** CMBR: Abundant, omnipresent, free radiant energy is real and
it can be tapped!
** High energy storage Mn-Mn Batteries are working! - High self
discharge drops off 'all by itself' over weeks.
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- "Discovery" of free, abundant, omnipresent radiant energy: it's
well known to astronomy as "Cosmic Microwave Background
Radiation" (CMBR or CMB). ...So that's what all those 'free
people have been groping for without being able to name it! - Other
stuff - Mn-Mn battery project - More other stuff getting left behind -
Thermoelectric Fridge performance update - 3D printer repair.
In Passing (Miscellaneous
topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants) (none)
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor Systems
* More Mazda - NiMH Battery Tube Stuff: reduced from 3 to 2 NiMH
batteries, increased them to 90 AH each.
* Front suspension adjustment (it adjusts!) - new brake pads & shoes
* Cable to monitor any single battery: uncovers 2 unexpectedly
weak batteries... that tested 'okay' when the car wasn't going.
* Replaced: 2 "new" ("reconditioned") batteries increase range &
reserve (8-9 miles/13-15Km?)
* Quick defoggers: small 12v heater-blower dies fast with small
battery. 120v hair dryer before starting works well, windows stay clear
surprisingly long.
Other "Green" Electric Equipment Projects
(No reports)
Electricity Generating
* Vertical axis wind turbine from PVC pipes, my motor shafts &
bearings, lawnmower motor as generator. (Sigh, not finished)
* VLF Radio Wave/power line waves Power Pickup unit: made one - little
bang for
the buck.
* "Space Energy", "Zero point energy", "Vacuum energy" etc, etc...
Really means
CMBR !?! - Wow!
* CMBR = "EHF" radiant energy, between microwave and far infra-red
bands, centered on 1.8mm, 160 GHz.
* CMBR is "omnipresent", comes from all directions, and
penetrates Earth's atmosphere.
* CMBR constitutes "most of the radiant energy in the universe".
* Tesla, Moray, Markovitch, and quite a few others: CMBR energy
* Simplest pulsed coil "TPU" CMBR harvester - has been replicated by
third party.
* Dropping other electricity generating projects? - Geothermal.
Electricity Storage - Turquoise
(MnMn) Battery Project etc.
* The high self discharge gradually drops off (maybe ceases?) by itself
over a period of weeks. All you need to do is wait!
* Mn-Mn, permanganate-manganese, batteries may now be considered to
be working!!!
* They can be used from 2.5 volts and gradually drained down to as low
as 1.5 volts without damage.
* The negode appears to remain more negative than zinc for the entire
discharge (so theoretically the zinc current collector and zinc powder
additive won't corrode) - it's more the poside that loses voltage.
* Utilization of active substances and performance could still be a lot
* Improved soldered NiMH dry cell battery packs. (well...
improved over
my previous techniques...)
#67 - September 4th 2013
MnMn batteries: Self discharge is the last problem; cause identified
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Improved(?) Peltier module camping cooler
In Passing (Miscellaneous
topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Book: Limits to Growth - a financial educational documentary;
Hungary, doing it right - USA to
attack Syria?: "DHS" to be deployed there? - Cold PNW winter ahead? -
Challenge for the next civilization.
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor Systems
* Improved rotor magnet attachment?
* Electric motorcycle with belt clutch?
* More Mazda/Battery tidbits.
Other "Green" Electric Equipment Projects
* Improved Thermoelectric Camping Cooler
Electricity Generating
* Magnet machines: Spiral(s), More Magnets!
* Vertical Axis Wind Turbines
Electricity Storage - Turquoise
(MnMn) Battery Project etc.
* 20 ton hydraulic press with
gauge - indicates my electrode compaction until now has been
* "Pin Frog" AKA "Flower Frog" from florists to perforate zinc and
graphite sheets
* Manganese electrodes with stibnite & zircon additives
appear to hold valence 0 metallic charge, at room temperature and below
pH 14.
* Last Major Problem: self discharge is via an internal cell reaction
is causing both electrodes, the whole cell, to discharge overnight.
* Solutions? (1) trap permanganate ions within +ode container (2) make
Ni(OH)2 +ode... Various tries to trap permanganate.
#66 - August 2nd 2013
Permanganate-manganese Battery Breakthrough! High voltage, high energy
cells now work consistently and should hold their charge.
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Electric Mazda: batteries again - MnMn: Best Battery Chemistry
Ever! (the short version!) - Wiring up PbPb interface to solar PV
system - Evacuated tube with ammonia test seemed to work except it
leaked - a couple of better photos of the Electric Hubcap motor.
In Passing (Miscellaneous
topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- continued erosion of financial system - USA war on journalists claims
another one - Cassini photo: Earth as seen from Saturn
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor
* Turquoise Motor controller realizations: 80 amps DC means maybe ~240
peak with a motor stopped or at very low RPM,
helping to explain why I can't seem to get higher currents without
blowing dual 120 amp rated mosfets.
Other "Green" Electric Equipment Projects
* Summer Thermoelectric Fridge Notes: It's struggling to keep cool in
the heat. More insulation helps.
Electricity Generating
* Wave Power for Boat Propulsion?
Electricity Storage - Turquoise
MnMn Battery Project etc.
* Calcium hydroxide
prevents gassing on overcharging.
* MnMn chemistry & construction seems "good enough" for solar use
if "prismatic" constructions are employed.
* MnMn never "dies": the voltages just keep gradually getting lower.
* Theoretically infinite cycle life.
* Electrode compaction with
hammer works if there's no press.
* Simple cases that don't leak for stationary applications! -- wide
mouth jars, plastic or glass.
* Low temperature is the key to charging manganese to metal, and to it
holding its charge. Cool room or fridge works.
* -Mn additive: zirconium silicate raises hydrogen overvoltage - Now
cells work at 'normal'
* NiMH pipe battery Connection
Problem Tracked Down -- beware of
unspringy, high resistance
spring clips in battery tubes!
#65 - July 5th 2013
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- Next Projects possibilities, Building the Green Economy
event, Electric
Mazda, Solar 'DC grid tie', 3D printer repair (sigh!), 'Ultra-efficient
Transmission' work, new chemie batteries - MnMn still looks best
In Passing (Miscellaneous
topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- extended supply chain breakdown
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor
* PGTC Transmission: Clutch mechanism figured out and built. Now motor
controller has quit - sigh!
* Idea: A simple 2-speed transmission with one clutch pedal shifting? -
pedal down is low; pedal up is high; pedal centered is neutral.
* Electric Weel motor design change: 24 coils as 2 sets of 12, 2 motor
controllers @ 48V, 150+amps.
* Homemade "Segways"! from Germany - with schematics, source
code, ...
* Mazda RX7 stuff - maximum range 13Km, individual battery float
charging system, NiMH
batteries are charging more slowly than lead-acids - and not to very
Other "Green" Electric Equipment Projects
* Solar PV main distribution panel things & lead-acid batteries
Electricity Generating (no reports)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise
Battery Project etc.
* Production Prototype Cell #4 (PP#4): MnNi - a nickel negode to try to
isolate MnMn electrode/cell problems
* Worked crappy - rebuilt.
* Low pH (6) causes high self discharge! (Well, duh!)
* PP#5: Ni-Ni. Even with "traditional" Ni(OH)2 posode and pH (near?)
same self-discharge problem and even lower conductivity.
* Carbon fiber cloth separator sheets to improve electrode conductivity
* Mn-Mn is better. I'm returning to it - with carbon fiber cloth, paper
and nylon separator sheets, and any other new tricks I can think of.
With a 5-fold improvement (over PP#3) it would be a practical battery,
whereas the NiNi would need a 20-fold improvement over PP#5 - and even
then it would be just 1/2 the voltage.
* Perforating metal for 'porous' electrode conductors: a silkscreen
with tiny holes and acid? ...and faster PCB etching?
#64 - June 3rd 2013
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- day by day... mostly related one way or another to the electric Mazda
In Passing (Miscellaneous
topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- DirectVotes.ca: The Referendum Site - at least, the idea.
Electric Transport - Electric
Hubcap Motor
* Mazda RX7 & mixed batteries... and still more repairs...
* EV Individual Battery Monitoring System - software development.
Other "Green" Electric Equipment Projects
* Solar PV system + inverter charges electric car via its usual
* Solar PV system main panel improvements
* MSP430 software development: in something that should be simple,
roadblocks are thrown up by inconsistent C syntax, lack of
assembly language documentation and lack of examples.
* Roadblocks surmounted -- working, effective software written in
Electricity Generating (no reports)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise
Battery Project etc.
* New chemical Ideas: Prussian blue & Potassium-Ion, Barium
chloride &
barium manganate (stable, insoluble!)...
* NiMH: 14.0 volts is a better float charging voltage than 13.8
or 13.9V: it
holds a lot more charge using 14.0 volts, and the float current after
charging is still low.
* More NiMH D cell "Handy Battery Sticks" (tubes): 12v, 60AH batteries
- just
25 pounds (for
Mazda, of course)
* My last NiMH soldered battery pack disaster! (I trust.)
#63 - May 6th 2013
Features: - NiMH Compact, stackable 12V D
cell battery cases (12V, 10AH per case) - CAT standard click-lock 12VDC
plugs & sockets
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- CAT Standard click-lock plugs & sockets - Getting the Mazda RX7
& renewed batteries going - Compact, stackable, 12 volt NiMH "D"
cell battery cases with 3D printer - Programming microcontrollers -
In Passing (Miscellaneous
topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Investing in the future - "Cold fusion" (catalytic fusion) evidently
works, was suppressed... by universities, MIT.
Electric Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor
* Getting the Mazda RX7 going
* Superior battery charging and automatic battery monitoring
* Ungrounded "floating" high voltages are less hazardous
Other "Green" Electric Equipment Projects
* Fridge: 15v + 8v Peltier modules in series for more efficient and
effective operation
* Getting Started with TI MSP430 microcontroller (µC, uC)
development (under Ubuntu): µC controls are wanted for fridge,
pump, EV
battery monitoring, motor controller overcontrol, and still other
Electricity Generating (no reports)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise
Battery Project etc.
* Lead-acid Battery Renewal with Sodium Sulfate - New Techniques
* NiMH compact, stackable 12V battery cases for making large
batteries from D cells (first one is 12V, 60 AH for electric RX7) -
a more compact alternative where "handy battery sticks" don't fit well.
* "Super battery stick" proves less than super.
#62 - April 4th 2013
Electric Mazda RX-7 &
a Better Battery Strategy for EV's
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- New Electrode Edge Compactor & MnMn Battery #3, Thermoelectric
heat pump & fridge, Evacuated Pipe "Heat Diode" radiators, Mazda
& EV battery strategy.
In Passing (Miscellaneous
topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Inequitable Wealth Distribution - Banking System Suicide - Magnetic
Projectile Launcher Idea - Poland Attacks Germany Replay?
Electric Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor
* Lead-acid battery renewal & better battery charging system for Mazda
* Better clutch idea for Sprint transmission
Other "Green" Electric Equipment Projects
* Peltier module tests & research for making a heat pump for space
* Peltier fridge uses 1/2 as much power for the same cooling: Max
* Evacuated water/steam tube radiators - "heat diodes"
Electricity Generating (nada)
Electricity Storage - Turquoise
Battery Project etc.
* New edge-feed electrode compactor
* "Production Prototype" Cell #3 - assembly - testing:
- Much better than #2... and gradually improving with charging.
#61 - March 5th 2013
* Woodstove Thermoelectric
Generator: 60-150W of free electric power from heat
* Electric Caik Outboard Motor test on the water: Great performance
& efficiency! Quiet!
* Peltier Heat Pump for House & EV Heating: 200% COP (~400W heat
200W electricity!)
Month In
(Project Summaries)
- modified newsletter format - MnMn batteries: improving, and just 5
cells makes 12 volts!
- Electric Caik Outboard Motor on the water - woodstove thermoelectric
generator - Efficient thermoelectric heat pumping & refrigeration!
- magnetic heat pumping
crossed off the
project list.
In Passing (Miscellaneous
topics, editorial comments & opinionated rants)
- Bursting Bubbles - Upside down economy
Electric Transport - Electric Hubcap Motor
* Electric Caik Motor [Honda 7.5] Outboard motor.
- Boat Launch & tests!
* Centrifugal clutch for car PGTC transmission system (why didn't I
think of
it sooner?)
Other "Green" Electric Equipment Projects
* need for an all-inclusive hub to tie in various energy sources,
devices, and loads.
* New design of Peltier module heat pumps for space heating: 200%
coefficient of
- evolving designs & COP measurement experiments
- Peltier fridges: same design principle cuts power consumption
in half!
Electricity Generating
* Woodstove Thermoelectric Generator (TEG) -
Perfect complement to solar panels!
- Picking the right TEGs
- Heat transfer with water
- Evacuated heat transfer tubes: thousands of times faster heat
transfer than copper or aluminum!
- Pressurized pipe to remove woodstove heat only if temperature
hits TEG max rating of 190ºC.
- Better Peltier fridges and Peltier heat pumps with evacuated
* Low temperature steam turbine with evacuated pipes?
* River/stream Hydro power with surface water wheels.
Electricity Storage - Turquoise
Battery Project etc.
* Production Prototype Mn-Mn Cell #2: not great, but continues working
without leaks or deterioration.
- updated cell assembly instructions
* NiMH cells - safety issues - causes of troubles in January and
#60 - February 3rd 2013
* The New Electric Caik Motor
* MnMn Production Battery Designs
Month In Brief
(Project Summaries)
- PCBs by laser printer iron-on transfers - Caik Motor - Production
MnMn Battery designs - 12 VDC outlet properly wired
In Passing (Miscellaneous
and editorial comments)
- EV Sales in BC - Electric Ferry (Norway) - Ominous developments &
progress as applied to weapons.
Electric Hubcap Motor Systems
* Electric Caik Motor ("Mini Electric Hubcap") is built and
runs great. It's about "cake" size!
* PCBs by Laser Toner Transfer: works decently with the right
glossy magazine paper, and practice. (Made Caik motor magnet &
temperature sensor board.)
* Assembling the motor
* Magnet Rotor: Magnet Placement
Jig, magnet adhesion failures on first run & rebuild.
* Rebuilt rotor, second tests:
runs great - I decided it's 0-2000 RPM instead of 0-3000.
* Projected improvements - Proper motor performance testing?
* Motor controllers need a
programmable function to prevent motors from over-revving (Caik could
hit 5000RPM?)
Planetary Gear Torque Converter &
Ultra-Efficient Vehicle Transmission
* Put clutch pedal/cable in Sprint car. (Not a big accomplishment for a
Motors Projects
* Fitting Honda outboard for the new Electric Caik motor: Square shaft
& joy couplings, motor mounting.
Battery Project
* Toluene: Still seems to improve graphite conductivity.
* Iron: seems to rust at lower pHes.
* Manganese: theory says it's a "cycle forever" negative electrode.
* Production prototype: case - filler cap/airlock - end
compaction for
electrode briquettes.
* Battery Cell assembly, step by step procedure
* MnMn Battery Cell: Self discharge... pH 13, a bit high?
Victoria BC