The SWELLtm Floating Ocean Wave Powered Electrical Generator
Sorry this page is not completed.
To Do List:
  • a picture of the unit at the ocean
  • a movie of last test
  • More organizing and editing of the write-up
  1. A new type of axial flux permanent magnet motor-generator, the Turquoise Energy MPMG. This was made for a "proof of concept" floating ocean wave power generator, first conceived in April 2006. This machine has been working for some time.
    (The stator iron quantity for the production version will be only in the coil cores.)
    This machine has two especially important design features:

    • It has more power at a lower speed than most electrical machines, owing to the extra-dense magnetic flux traversing the stator.
    • It is substantially easier to make than standard designs. This will contribute towards making the price quite competitive.

    Intended plan is to manufacture these machines for sale - and for use with the other two Turquoise Energy technology products.

    Major uses for this product include many types of off-grid power generation, particularly with "green" energy sources and where an independent 120VAC, 60Hz is desired.
    For power generation on the grid, eg as used with technology 2 below, and for general motor use, an induction motor version (as opposed to permanent magnet-synchronous) is planned.

  2. A wave powered electrical generator
    This wave power design was rated in effect "the most promising looking design" by a government energy official. The "proof of concept" test unit is built. After a couple of minor glitches in previous trials, it probably now needs only a windy day when I can get the unit to a boat ramp for a successful test. Then it will remain to build and install actual operating units. Two possible business endeavors (I favor the second) include:

    • Sale of floating generator units to waterfront property owners, allowing them to sell power to the power utility via reverse metering or net metering programs.
    • Becoming an independent power producer (IPP) and selling power to BC Hydro and Power Authority (BCH) at rates other technologies can't match that will reduce the future cost of electricity. This brings in ongoing revenue almost regardless of sudden shifts in market product tastes and the economy. In spite of the attractive electrical rate, payback of initial investment should take only around 5 years using vessels that may last 100 years. Program consists first of getting the IPP/BCH contract, then installing units off the west coast of Vancouver Island to the limits of ability to make, install and maintain them. While quite a small investment would be sufficient to start up, in this case the bigger the initial investment, the greater the opportunity to become the wave power producing utility on the west coast.
The ocean wave power unit's concept has been acknowledged as a very good design that is probably practical and feasible, and it was developed to "almost works" by April 2008, but as so far it has found no support(!) from those responsible for or capable of providing us with electrical power, development is "on hold". I also went as far as doing some economic estimates:


ResourceCapacity MWGWH/yearCap. Cost in BillionsNotes
Vancouver Island, BC Wave Power90063002.5-3Vessels anchored off the shore every 100 meters, power installations along the shoreline, power is near where it's most needed, can be installed incrementally, environmentally benign, for 900 MW occupying major sections of the west coast, higher maintenance costs.
"Site C" dam on Peace River, BC River Hydro90048005.5-6Floods a major Peace River valley, power is distant from where it is needed, requiring major transmission line project in addition to dam and hydro works, is "all or nothing", making no power at all until it's completed.